Hypnotherapy for Radical Change


Hypnotherapy, a therapeutic approach that utilizes hypnosis to induce a relaxed and focused state of mind, has shown significant benefits in the treatment of various mental disorders. From anxiety and depression to phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), hypnotherapy offers valuable therapeutic interventions that can complement traditional treatment approaches and enhance overall well-being.

The scientific evidence supports the use of hypnotherapy as an adjunctive treatment option that complements traditional approaches, providing individuals with additional tools for managing symptoms and improving overall well-being. As further research continues to explore the efficacy and mechanisms of hypnotherapy, it holds great potential for expanding treatment options and enhancing treatment outcomes and improve overall well-being for individuals with mental disorders. 

Before we go ahead, have a look at some amazing benefits of Hypnotherapy : Read more

What is Hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, often induced by a trained professional called a hypnotist or hypnotherapist. In this altered state of consciousness, individuals may experience increased responsiveness to suggestions, allowing them to access and explore their subconscious mind.

Hypnosis is commonly used for therapeutic purposes, such as managing pain, overcoming fears, or breaking unwanted habits. It’s important to note that hypnosis is a cooperative and collaborative process, and individuals cannot be forced to do anything against their will while under hypnosis. Your mind especially the Subconscious Mind is always in charge, contrary to what you might of seen on stage hypnosis, street hypnosis, TV or films.

Hypnosis can be seen a state of deep inner absorption, concentration and focused attention. Going into a trance is easy to learn, much like a guided meditation. All hypnosis is but Self Hypnosis, the therapist only guides you into a state of focussed and relaxation. Wherein based on your intuitive modality, you might get information visually as in dreams (Clairvoyance), feeling (Clairsentience) and knowing (Claircognizance), or in NLP terms Visual, Auditory, Gustatory. Ultimately definitions don’t matter, it is an experience, different for each one of us, as our minds too are unique.

Most problems are not Conscious problems.They are in fact problems with the Subconscious. That is why, it only makes sense to resolve them at the subconscious level. Because the truth is you cannot control the Subconscious Mind, only learn engage with in a way that it will collaborate with us to help you heal. Mere talking can’t take someone really close to the Subconscious than the state of Hypnosis.

Does hypnosis also occurs naturally?

Yes. When we are watching a movie, television, playing a video game or reading a novel conjuring up mental images as we read along. Also when we are driving on a familiar road, and drift into thinking or day dreaming. The driving is taken care by the subconscious mind, we feel as we are on an auto pilot. Often when we come out of this trance car honks, we feel a jolt or suddenly realise, Where have I reached?

Since it is a familiar state, getting back to it won’t be difficult, would it? If you are fascinated by something. Thus, we can learn how to go into a hypnosis, with a little bit of help and training. Provided we are willing to let go, the mind is fresh and alert. A tired or stress mind often would go into sleep rather than hypnosis.

“All hypnosis is Self-hypnosis.”

A hypnotist or hypnotherapist can only guide us, we take ourselves into hypnosis by trusting and taking ourselves deeper. So you might either go into hypnosis directly, swiftly as most people do who play along without much analysis or need of explanation, they just want to get better. Or you might feel yourself resisting going into hypnosis like a child resisting not going to sleep at night, as you will lose control. Don’t help or fight, just allow what is about to happen, whatever your Subconscious tells you. So if you continue this fight or reject Hypnotherapist’s instructions, in that case the third thing will happen – nothing! Suggesting that your Subconscious is not ready. If you are not ready you are not. What can you do? Hypnosis is collaborative journey and not a passive or passive aggressive one. In case the therapist finds you uncollaborative, he can end the session right way.

It is good to practice simple meditation, breathing or relaxation exercise for week-ten days prior for better success rate. Also to watch your dreams, and sudden insight usually the subconscious mind starts becoming knowing healing is on its way. It gives us clues and directions regarding the healing journey ahead. Listen, take notice.

Yes, not everybody goes into trance, over analytical, skeptical, intellectual or fearful usually block themselves. Nobody can take you into your Interior Castle as St. Teresa of Avila would put it, if you are unwilling to drop your logic and reasoning and walk across the drawbridge to your soul – deep within us. Do us a favour, if you are a skeptical, take your time educate yourself about hypnosis and hypnotherapy, before calling us. Many good cases studies and scientific research is now available online – you will find them. It will save you your money and us, our time.

How effective is Hypnosis on Zoom or Video Call?

Hypnotherapy is psychotherapy done under hypnosis, when we are hyper-suggestible -open to suggestions. With access to the subconscious mind, we can then use array of therapeutic tools to deal with an wide range of issues. It is a state where you bypass the critical filter of the mind and directly access the Subconscious. Thus we can not only heal and soothe it and also reprogram and retrain it. Access to the Subconscious opens doors for using an array of therapeutic tools to deal with a wide range of issues like:

  • Stress and Anger Management : Hypnotherapy can be utilized to help individuals manage and release anger in a constructive and healthy way. It focuses on identifying triggers, developing coping strategies, and promoting emotional regulation and assertive communication. Read More
  • Pain Management Hypnotherapy: Hypnosis can be utilized for pain management by helping individuals relax, shift their perception of pain, and promote the body’s natural healing response. It can be effective for chronic pain, acute pain, and pain associated with medical procedures.   Read more
  • Hypnoanalysis: Hypnoanalysis is a most commonly used Hypnotherapy technique that involves using hypnosis to explore, understand and resolve the root causes of emotional or psychological issues. It focuses on uncovering and resolving underlying unconscious conflicts or traumas that contribute to the presenting problem.
  • Hypno-Imagery: Hypno-Imagery involves utilizing guided imagery and visualization techniques during hypnosis to stimulate the senses and create vivid mental imagery. It can be used to enhance relaxation, promote positive emotional states, and tap into the power of the imagination for therapeutic purposes.
  • Self-Hypnosis Training: Self-Hypnosis Training involves teaching individuals to induce a hypnotic state on their own. This empowers them to use self-hypnosis techniques for relaxation, stress reduction, behavior change, and personal development.
  • Self-Esteem and Confidence Building: Hypnotherapy can be used to enhance self-esteem and build confidence by working with the subconscious mind to reframe negative self-beliefs, develop a positive self-image, and promote self-empowerment. Improving Self-confidence, Self-esteem, Better Communication 
  • Hypnotherapy for Overcoming Compulsive Thoughts and Behaviours (OCD) – Intrusive Thoughts
  • Hypnotherapy for Allergies and Sensitivities: Hypnosis can be employed to alleviate symptoms associated with allergies and sensitivities by working with the mind-body connection and reducing the body’s exaggerated response to specific triggers.
  •  Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) :
  • Hypnotherapy for Students: Better Exam Preparation and Overcoming Test Anxiety: Hypnotherapy can be employed to help individuals prepare for exams, improve focus, and manage test anxiety. It aims to enhance memory retention, boost confidence, and promote a calm and focused state of mind during exams. Read more
  • Performance Enhancement: Hypnotherapy techniques can be employed to enhance performance in various areas, such as sports, public speaking, artistic endeavors, or academic pursuits. It can help individuals overcome performance anxiety, boost focus, and tap into their full potential. Performance Anxiety: Stage fright or Public Speaking fears etc
  •  Sports Performance Enhancement (Sports Hypnosis): Sports Performance Hypnosis is utilized to enhance athletic performance by accessing the subconscious mind to improve focus, confidence, motivation, and overall mental and physical performance.
  • Regression Therapy: Regression Therapy involves using hypnosis to guide individuals back in time to explore past events or memories that may be influencing their current thoughts, emotions, or behaviors. It aims to uncover unresolved issues, release emotional blockages, and promote healing and personal growth.
  • Inner Child Healing: Inner Child Healing focuses on connecting with and healing the wounded inner child. It involves using hypnosis to access and address past experiences and emotions from childhood that may be impacting one’s present life. By nurturing and healing the inner child, individuals can promote self-love, emotional healing, and personal growth.
  • Emotional Release Techniques: Emotional Release Techniques involve using hypnosis to facilitate the release of suppressed or repressed emotions. It aims to help individuals express and process their emotions in a safe and therapeutic way, leading to emotional healing and increased well-being.
  • Timeline Therapy: Timeline Therapy involves utilizing hypnosis to access an individual’s timeline of past, present, and future experiences. It allows individuals to reframe past events, release negative emotions associated with them, and create a positive vision for the future.
  • Somatic Release Therapy: Releasing stored in the physical body through Mind-Body Integration Techniques: Mind-Body Integration techniques combine hypnosis with body-centered approaches, such as somatic experiencing or body awareness exercises. These techniques aim to facilitate the integration of mind and body, promote self-awareness, and support holistic healing and well-being. Read more
  • Sleep Hypnosis: Sleep Hypnosis involves utilizing hypnosis techniques to help individuals achieve a relaxed and peaceful state conducive to sleep. It can be beneficial for individuals struggling with insomnia, sleep disorders, or difficulty falling asleep, by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety, and establishing healthy sleep patterns. It aims to help individuals achieve restful sleep and improve overall sleep quality.
  • Dream Therapy or Hypno-Analysis of Dreams: Hypno-Analysis of Dreams involves using hypnosis to explore and analyze the symbolic content of dreams. It aims to uncover unconscious patterns, conflicts, and insights that can contribute to personal growth and self-understanding. Read more
  • Regression to Future Progression: Regression to Future Progression is a technique that involves using hypnosis to explore and experience potential future outcomes and scenarios. It can help individuals gain clarity, envision goals, and create a positive vision for their future.
  • Parts Reintegration Therapy or Part Therapy: Parts Reintegration Therapy, also known as Ego State Therapy, is a technique that focuses on identifying and integrating fragmented parts of the self. It involves working with dissociated aspects of the personality, such as inner child parts or protective parts, to promote healing, wholeness, and self-integration. Parts Integration is a technique that aims to integrate conflicting parts of the self. It involves accessing and communicating with different parts or aspects of the subconscious mind to facilitate understanding, resolution, and harmony.
  • Hypnotherapy for Phobias and Anxiety Disorders: It can be effective in treating phobias and anxiety disorders by helping individuals desensitize to fear triggers, reframe limiting beliefs, and develop relaxation techniques. It aims to promote a sense of calm, confidence, and control in anxiety-provoking situations.  Helps in Anxiety, Nervousness, Panic attacks, and Overcoming Self-Harm
  • Hypnotherapy for Trauma Recovery: Hypnotherapy can be a valuable tool in trauma resolution by facilitating access to traumatic memories, reducing the emotional intensity associated with them, and supporting the healing process. Techniques such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can be integrated with hypnosis for trauma-focused work. Read more
  • Hypnotherapy for Weight Management: Hypnosis can be utilized to support weight management goals by addressing the underlying emotional and behavioral factors associated with eating habits. It focuses on promoting mindful eating, healthy lifestyle changes, and a positive body image.
  • Hypnotherapy for Smoking Cessation: Hypnosis can be used to support individuals in quitting smoking by addressing the subconscious motivations, habits, and cravings associated with smoking. It aims to reframe beliefs, promote motivation for change, and strengthen commitment to a smoke-free lifestyle. Habit Control – Nail Biting, Stammering, Tardiness & Substance Abuse
  • Hypnotherapy for Creative Exploration: Hypnosis can be utilized to tap into the creative potential of the subconscious mind. It can support artistic expression, creative problem-solving, and accessing new insights and inspirations by bypassing conscious limitations and fostering a state of flow and imagination.
  • Hypnotherapy for Relationship Issues: Hypnotherapy techniques can be used to address relationship issues by exploring subconscious patterns, enhancing communication skills, and promoting understanding and empathy. It aims to support healthy relationships and resolve conflicts.Relationship Healing – Understanding why couples trigger each other, and how to go beyond it; power tussle between introverts and extroverts.
  •  Hypnotherapy for Sexual Dysfunctions
  • Child Hypnosis: Bed wetting, Nightmares
  •  Inner Conflicts Resolution, Healing Self-Sabotage and Shadow Side – Parts Therapy. Read more

Today, due to rapid evolution in the field of Hypnotherapy, we have a number of proven techniques available: Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work, Subconscious Reprogramming and Re-Imprinting. Tools like Emotional & Mental Detox, Subconscious Dialoguing, Healing with the Subconscious Mind, Organ Dialoguing, Inner Child Healing, Age Regression, Past Life regression, Parts Therapy for Inner Conflict Resolution, Relaxation techniques, Self-Hypnosis, Dream Therapy, and much more.

Fee: Rs 7000 INR per session 
Duration: 1 – 1 1/2  hours

Location: Online over Zoom app

OR at our Centres at Gurgaon, Bhopal or Navi Mumbai. 

Facilitators: Abhishek Joshi  & PRIYANKA SHUKLA
(Read more about our facilitators: here )

To book a session Contact:

Abhishek:  +91 981020 6203

Priyanka: +91 959428 0000.

Email: info@innerjourneys.life (innerjourneys11@gmail.com)

Also send in brief profile and a simple photograph.

As always your information is kept confidential. 

Further Reading

  • 5 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Hypnosis
  • “What is hypnosis and how might it work?” at US National Library of Medicine – here 

  • “Tranceformation: Hypnosis in Brain and Body” –  An introductory video lecture about Hypnosis by David Spiegel, M.D. at National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), USA – here

Hypnotherapy works in all areas of our life. These can be mainly divided into:

  1. Physical: These are diseases that are manifest in the
  2. Emotional: These usually manifest as relationship
  3. Mental: Like fears and phobias, or obsessive-compulsive
  4. Spiritual: Examples are extreme likes or dislikes of religious


  • Pain (Unresolved) of all kinds: Neck, Back, Legs, Feet, Knees, Spine, Abdomen MD
  • Birthmarks
  • Asthma
  • Breathing problems
  • Headaches
  • Migraines
  • Chronic Indigestion, IBS
  • Allergies
  • Chronic Chest Colds
  • Numbness in Legs and Feet
  • Motion Sickness
  • Muscle Spasms

Emotional/ Relationship:

  • Need for Relationships/Family/Children/ Attention
  • Infertility
  • Loneliness – Self isolation or emotional fortressing
  • Depression
  • Driving Boyfriends / Girlfriends away – Intimacy Resistance
  • Hyperactivity
  • Career Indecision


  • Loss of Sight/Voice/Smell
  • Fears of all kinds: Fire/Animals/ Snakes/Intimacy/Water/ Heights/Death/ Losing Someone,
    Open Spaces (Agoraphobia), Closed Spaces (Claustrophobia)
  • Hypochondria
  • Obsessive/Compulsive behaviour
  • Sense of Responsibility
  • Compulsive Overeating
  • Aversion to Cotton, Quilts etc.

How do prepare for your session

Start on this Meditation Daily. So, your mind stabilizes and you learn how to relax and go deeper into your mind. Thus you will improve your chances to access the Subconscious Mind during sleep. Watch your dreams 2-3 days prior. Many people get key dreams, as the Subconscious Mind tries to help.

Be relaxed, have a light meal, and make sure you have had a good night sleep. A fatigued mind doesn’t go into trance, rather falls into restful sleep. That is why we avoid post work session, as mind slows down after a long day’s work. 

By practicing, this mediation you can easily train your mind to go in hypnosis.

Need help or healing?

If you believe in Hypnotherapy and Spiritual Healing, we are here to help you.

Write to us about your issues in detail: info@innerjourneys.life, so we guide you better.

Fee: Rs 7000 INR per session 


Abhishek: +919810206293,  

Priyanka: +919594280000.

Contraindications: Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Pathological personalities, Any severe mental illnesses or suicidal tendencies. Under Psychiatric medications, Epilepsy, Narcolepsy, Alcohol or Drug psychosis. Severe addictions. Senility, Serious Heart Conditions etc. Make sure you share all your medical history, especially mental health history beforehand. Also consult your doctor before choosing to undergo Hypnotherapy session. 

Do you have passion to help others? Want to become a Clinical Hypnotherapist yourself? Read more

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