Forgiveness Prayer

Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
..Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” – Lord’s Prayer


“I ask for forgiveness from each and every soul, energy or being, whom I might have harmed in any lifetime. Through actions, words or thoughts – directly or indirectly, knowingly or unknowingly. I ask for forgiveness unconditionally.

I pray that they may be healed, along with their families and loved ones. May they have lifetimes of peace, love, abundance and wisdom.

I forgive anyone who might have harmed me, in any lifetime, including the current one.  I free them unconditionally and thus free myself.

I also forgive myself, for any such wrong doing.

May I be forgiven.


Note: Please repeat this prayer daily once, when you get an Akashic Records Healing or Energy clearance session done. Ideally it should be done for a fortnight or a month (or as advised). You can also say it in your own words. The essence is important, not words. You can also pray on the behalf of a loved one, you are getting done for.  If need be you can even translate it your native tongue.)


।। क्षमा प्रार्थना ।।

“मैं उन सभी आत्माओं और ऊर्जाओं से माफ़ी माँगता (माँगती) हूँ, जिन्हें मैंने किसी भी रूप में, किसी भी जीवन में – कर्म, विचार या वाणी द्वारा – नुकसान पहुंचाया हो या कोई दुःख दिया हो ।  मैं उन सभी से माफ़ी माँगता हूँ।

मैं ईश्वर से यह भी प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि ना सिर्फ़ वे बल्कि उनके प्रियजन भी सब ठीक हो जाएँ और उनके जीवन में सब फिर से कुशल मंगल हो जाए। मेरी यह प्रार्थना है कि उन्हें अब सुख- समृद्धि, प्रेम और शांति पूर्ण जीवन मिलें।

 साथ ही, मैं उन सभी लोगों को भी क्षमा करता हूँ, जिन्होंने किसी भी रूप में मुझे नुकसान पहुँचाया हो या कोई दुःख दिया हो – इस जीवन में या किसी भी पूर्व जीवन में। मैं सबको क्षमा करता हूँ और मुक्त करता हूँ ताकि मैं  ख़ुद भी मुक्त हो पाऊँ ।

आख़िर में, मैं ऐसी किसी भी  गलती के लिए, ख़ुद को, हृदय से भी माफ़ करता हूँ। 

तथास्तु ”

(इस प्रार्थना को अपने शब्दों में, भाव और श्रद्धा पुर्वक 2-3 बार दोहराएँ। कम से कम 15 दिनों तक रोज़ करें।)


Forgiveness Prayer for Ancestral Healing

(During the Pitr Dosha or Ancestral Healing sessions)

“I ask for forgiveness from each and every soul, their family and ancestors, who might have been harmed in any way, by me or my ancestors in any lifetime.

May they be freed of their suffering, pain, hurt or humiliation. May they find solace, comfort and peace..

May they all be healed, along with their loved ones, families, and ancestors.

May they have lifetimes of abundance, peace and of love.

I forgive any souls, family or their ancestors who might have harmed us me or our ancestors in any lifetime. I free everyone and one of curses we might have given to anyone.

May we all be freed.

May we all find peace,

and freedom from suffering!


(Also pray to your family deity or Ishta for blessings, healing and protection.)

पित्र दोष के लिए क्षमा प्रार्थना 

(जब भी आप हम से वंश-वृक्ष हीलिंग यानी पित्र दोष निवारण प्रक्रिया करवाएँ तो इस प्रार्थना को उस दौरान अवश्य दोहराएँ।)

“हम उन सभी आत्माओं से क्षमा चाहते हैं, जिनको हमने या हमारे पूर्वजों ने किसी भी रूप में हानि पहुँचाई हो या कोई दुःख दिया हो।हम हृदय से क्षमा चाहते हैं, और साथ ही ईश्वर से प्रार्थना करते हैं कि आप सबको आने वाले जीवनों में सुख, शांति और समृधि भरे जीवन मिलें। आपसे आग्रह है की आप हमारे वंश वृक्ष को श्राप मुक्त करके कृतार्थ करें।

हम अपनी कुल देवी और कुल इष्ट देव से भी प्रार्थना करते हैं कि वे हमें इस कार्य में मदद करें।

धन्यवाद! “

Prayer for Releasing Curses & Vows

(Anyone can do once in a while. It helps in your healing. Because we need to “Forgive to be Forgiven”)

Sometimes, our healing gets blocked because we have cursed numerous people in the past, knowingly and unknowingly.  Knowing that all curses or ill will or words come back to us, karmically, and harm us in the long run, it makes sense to let go and have a clear heart. So you can repeat the following prayer from heart, a few times.. 

“I drop any unconscious or conscious vows, curses and contracts, I might have made in any lifetime, which are not aligned with the light, or no longer working for my growth and well being”


Why Forgive?

Each time we refuse to forgive, we close our hearts. A closed heart seldom heals.

Ego would always look for excuses, not to. But to forgive, despite everything is a radical act of self-love.

When we forgive, we let the light in. Only when the ego is crucified, the spirit is liberated.

You can’t change what was. Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different. It is simply accepting the grim reality of the past, no matter how dark.  And still choosing to move on, to freedom, to light. It is choosing to have a new life! Because the past is not over, until you say it is!

“Forgiveness is the key to happiness… The unforgiving mind sees no mistakes, but only sins. The forgiving mind is filled with love, peace and happiness.. The unforgiving mind is sad, without the hope of respite and release from pain. It suffers and abides in misery, peering about in darkness, seeing not, yet certain of the danger lurking there.”
~ A Course in Miracles, Lesson 121


Further reading:

• Gift of Freedom – Forgiveness

Ho’oponopono Meditation: For forgiveness and Unconditional love

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