Past Life Regression Therapy

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‘Jataka Tales’, Buddha’s recollection of his past lives. in a 18th-century Thangka painting

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is a therapeutic technique that aims to access and explore memories or experiences from past lives or incarnations.

” True Healing is a journey towards wholeness.”

At Inner Journeys, we believe in Holistic healing. Any technique which takes a person towards wholeness  is better, compared to one that only alleviates current issues of life. A journey of soul goes across lifetimes, so we have to think long term. Right? Just as Karma follows us across lifetimes, so do our dysfunctions and unlearnt life lessons.

That’s why when we take on a person as a client, we work towards physical, emotional, spiritual as well as karmic healing. As compared to modern medicine which focuses only on the physical body, we work through the mind-body connection, thus achieving better and sustainable results. So many times, when say a Cancer returns a wise oncologist explores what is not healed that the symptoms are recurring?

Holistic healing strives to empower a client in the process, as he/she gets a better understanding of themselves, their shortcomings and life lessons. Gradually over subsequent sessions, various mysteries and so-called anomalies of our life script start making sense, and curriculum is revealed we know why we are here – to grow! Everything is designed to awaken us. Challenge us to grow. We grow through our choices, in actions, words and thoughts. Actions have consequences, and embedded in our ever predicament is our life lesson. Willing to grow? We are here to help.

We always guide our client towards taking charge of their healing, by teaching them meditation and healing during session. More importantly, integrating the life wisdom revealed in a session. For we know, that is how life change. When finally we give up our need for people around us to change, and instead we are willing to change ourselves – our behaviour, our attitude and belief systems to bring them in greater alignment – That day, we are ready heal, o yes we are! Heavens move for such a soul, who has finally found that state of grace, of surrender and indeed humility.

“You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter what the outcome.”

– Patch Adams

The Mystery of Past Lives Explained

We have all lived in past lives, many lands and bodies. Their memories are stored within us. Just as childhood memories are stored in the subconscious mind, our past life memories are stored in unconscious mind. Read more

Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT) is much like a deep guided meditation, wherein you relax and allow your consciousness to access the memories from the subconscious mind, which holds the answers to life questions. Once we release the residual energy and unhealthy beliefs from those lifetimes, we feel lighter here, in this lifetime. 

It can be an excellent tool for self-discovery, to clarify life-purpose, relationship conflicts, career goals etc. Know the growth trajectory your soul is on across lifetimes. The wisdom you gain from those lifetimes can be then incorporated into your present choices. Come, experience it for yourself.

Healing session is guided and carefully monitored by the facilitator where you can connect with your soul, aura and chakras, So that the negative energies and foreign bodies can be cleansed and cleared.

Every transformation demands as its precondition “the ending of a world”-the collapse of an old philosophy of life.” ~ Carl Jung

Past Life Regression Vs Past Life Regression Therapy

Past Life Regression (PLR) is a technique that uses hypnosis, or a state of human consciousness involving focused attention and reduced peripheral awareness and an enhanced capacity to respond to suggestion. This recovers memories of past lives or incarnations, or regressing into a past life memory is easy to experience, anyone can on their own through guided meditations available online, through intuitive drawing and spontaneous recall during deep meditations. Under hypnosis you are alert at all times, just more focussed and relaxed – so no one can take your password, and definitely you don’t fall asleep – you remember the session completely.

But to heal a memory and integrate its wisdom you need the help of a therapist, especially if you require energy clearance, learn to work with higher beings, angels and Spiritguides. A therapist can guide you through this process, using experience and various healing expertise. And that is Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT). Often people make the mistake of doing PLR via video on their own. They can disturb their energies via contamination or incomplete healing. If you are curious about Past Lives, find a therapist you can trust and take the plunge. It is one of life’s great adventures. 

What happens during a Regression session?

Though we do carry some imprints from our past lives in the Unconscious mind, every behaviour has its origin in current life, as every behaviour is after all a learnt behaviour. When practiced long enough and regularly, such a behaviour can become a habit – a neural pathway. Good or bad, habits are cultivated, consciously or subconsciously like language and life skills, we learn by mimicking or responding to our early caregivers or life environment. In Hypnotherapy, we recall or access the origin memory or First Sensitizing Event (FSE), and work with it under state of hypnosis employing various healing techniques. For dysfunctional behaviour issues we seek the origin of the behaviour in current lifetime, mostly childhood experiences and heal it, reprogram it etc. We can also train our subconscious mind to practice certain positive and healthy behaviours, and social skills. Remember the general advice of practising a new skill or an affirmation for 21 days? Developing new skills like neural pathways takes time.

Similarly, every incident, every suffering, has a karmic back story – a culmination of multitude of choices leading many past lives. Since energy can’t be destroyed and every action has an equal and opposite reaction that’s basic science. In Theory of Karma, “what we sow is what we reap” – choices have consequences as embedded in them are the life lessons we are here for. In a Past Life Regression session, we access the past lives from where current issues have originated and healed them. In the process we heal our victims, their suffering, seek forgiveness and pray to them to drop curses, if any. Similarly we heal ourselves, release trauma and hurts etc, also let go of any grudge, curses we might be holding on to. We can release fears, phobias or any negative emotion or imprint, which might have origins in a past life.

Often in a session, a person is able to access memories from 1 or 2 lifetimes, depending upon how quick and open their Subconscious mind is. Since an issue may come from multiple lifetimes hence as many session might be required. Once we start the healing cycle we can plan subsequent sessions – fortnightly or monthly.  

Real healing happens when we are able to integrate the wisdom received in the session in our everyday life. When we are willing to move towards wholeness. PLR is not a quick fix, especially for behavioural issues like anger, emotional numbness, apathy or workaholism. These we have to be worked with regular mindfulness, Inner Child Therapy, hypnotherapy sessions and Shadow Work. 

A regression session is much like a deep guided meditation, in which you relax and allow your subconscious mind reveals deep memories, the storylines which hold the answers to life’s questions and conundrums, plus insights from celestial guides. Once we release the residual energy and unhealthy beliefs from those lifetimes, we feel lighter here, in this lifetime. For time is but a continuum.

Experience it for yourself. PLR also helps us find our strengths and lessons we carry forward from past lives, so that we can build on them in future. Everyone experiences a past life in their own unique way.

During the first experience of regression people usually think that they have made up a story or imagined a life time. Many times it happens so that place, year and even names of a past life get validated later on. To get most out of a regression process, keep an open mind and avoid using your logical mind during the regression process. You will have ample of time for analysing it later on.

Just go with the flow and let the information pour into your mind without questioning it.
When the PLR Therapist instructs you to step into a past life you may experience one of the several reactions.

. You may see yourself quite clearly. (Clairvoyance)
. You may see quick impressions.
. You may  seem to “Know” without seeing.
. You may not see anything, but feel as if someone is telling you what is happening .

Basically your experience can come up purely in either of these ways.

. FEEL: “I can’t see anything, but I feel I am in big city..”
. THINK: “I can’t see anything, but I think I am in a forest..” 
. IMAGINE: “I am standing in an open field and I see a village..”

Go with your first impressions, first thoughts or feeling. Do not try to “see”, no movie reel plays as most people believe Past Life Session to be. So, regardless of your initial reaction upon entering your own past life doubt, disbelief or skepticism, you will need to answer the questions as the therapist asks them. As the regression progresses, you will find the impressions becoming stronger. If you actively analyse the process while in session, you will only retard the impressions, and eventually make the session null.

Your mind is on a journey through your soul’s experience of lifetimes. Let it travel freely. Analysis can wait until your session is finished, after you have collected all the data.

Each session involves: Discussing life history including traumas and birth and pre-natal history, thereafter depending upon the issue, we can choose to explore the key issues first. Though often what shows is what your Spiritguides decide is right for you and what you are ready for.

“Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment. Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment is intuition.” – Rumi

How does it Work?

Past Life Regression (PLR) accesses the memories embedded in our subconscious mind and subtle body and the wisdom of past life from the unconscious mind.

If it is your first time, relax..

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During the first experience of regression people usually think that they have made up a story or imagined a life time. Many times it so happens that the place, year and even names of a past life get validated later on.

To get most out of a regression process, keep an open mind and avoid using your logical mind during the regression process. You will have ample of time for analysing it later on.

Just go with the flow and let the information pour into your mind without questioning it.

Kinds of Regressions:

Age Regression: To resolve current life problems or behavioural issues. Age Regression and Inner Child Healing can help in healing the traumas, triggers and unhealthy belief systems of this life time. Emotional healing can help you come out of the bad memories of the past an live a happy life.

– Inner Child healing for Emotional healing

– Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind for Behavioral issues, like anger, control, emptiness, disconnection, depression, self-denial, workaholism or self-sabotage, self-hate/self-destructive behaviours
– Healing childhood memories and sexual abuse
– Soul retrieval
– Birth Matrix Reimprinting or reprogramming: If you experienced rejection at the time of birth or pre-birth or some anomaly sets in.

Womb Regression: To heal prenatal and birthing traumas

Fear and Phobia Regression: To release body memory resulting in various fears and phobias

Health Regression: To trace and heal somatic pains, and unexplained ailments

Career Blocks: Clearing work, career or abundance blocks. Watch the video to understand more:


Past Life Regression: If the source cannot be found in current life, we go to the lifetime where the issue or conflict originated

Relationship Regression: To understand and heal relationship conflicts and patterns. Watch the video to understand more:

Future Progression: If deemed to be beneficial, we visit a future time to obtain some clarity or closure

Spiritual Regression – Personal Session: Spiritual Regression sometimes referred as Life Between Life Regression (LBL): Going back to the time just before you incarnated in your current body, maybe to understand the reason behind the choice of your parents, your body and important relationships; also to understand your life-purpose. (Possible after you have undergone 1 prior successful PLR sessions)

 Individual session. Fee: Rs 8000 INR per session (Online (Zoom) / Offline). Details here

Personal Session for Akashic Records Healing : For people who have successfully seen their past lives, now they can collective clear their past lives through this innovative method of accessing and healing your Akashic Records at the Akashic Library with the help.of Spiritguides. Lifetimes of suffering or victimhood, of being a perpetrator, wisdom and powerful lifetimes.  

Since it is an advance session, it requires one to be accustomed to accessing  a past life successfully. We would first need to do a Past Life Regression session to test your ability to access your subconscious mind. Else Akashic session would be a waste. Have you successfully done Past Life regression Session before? If yes, then we can proceed to Akashic Session, else we would first require to do a PLR session.

Individual session. Fee: Rs 8000 INR per session (Online (Zoom) / Offline).

Karmic Healing: There is also have an option of Karmic Healing (Remote Akashic Records Healing) for those who  have been unable to see past lives previously, are too analytical, are taking psychiatric medications or have any addiction, which would make going into trance difficult or accessing the Subconscious Mind difficult- also young child, aging or ICU patients. Fee: Rs 6000 per session. It is preceded by a Karmic Reading session.

Find your Life Lessons

The biggest benefit of any Past Life Healing is learning crucial life wisdom. We understand the history of our soul’s journey. We get to know the life lessons we missed in previous lifetimes and thus had to suffer greatly, in subsequent lifetime as a consequence.

When we sincerely follow the wisdom and unfinished lessons that are revealed during the session by Spiritguides, we grow. Souls that are willing to grow, heal faster.

“Those who do not learn from their mistakes, are doomed to repeat it!”

Our Life Script is based upon our Past karma

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“प्रारब्ध पहले रचा, पीछे रचा शरीर ।

  तुलसी चिन्ता क्यों करे, भज ले श्री रघुबीर।।”

Each one of us incarnate in the physical body with a life script. Written by us along with our guides, prior to our birth in LBL stage. This also depends upon our prior karmic baggage and unfinished life lessons. Thus by choosing the prarabdha karma, the karma we choose to clear in current life, we lay the bedrock of our lifescript. Therein lie are life lessons too, endurance, patience, humility or forgiveness. Some of prarabdha can be healed, but some the heavy prarabdha or karmic baggage we have to endure. As physical, emotional, mental or financial suffering. It is all our karma, and that is why blame never helps and forgiveness and letting go, always do. 

Read more: Why Healing is not an entitlement but a Privilege

Benefits of Past Life Regression Therapy:

  1. Releasing Karmic Blocks & Curses: Releasing Blockages to Abundance: Past Life Regression can help identify and release karmic blockages, curses, or past-life experiences that may be hindering individuals’ ability to manifest abundance in various aspects of their lives, such as finances, career, health or relationships.
  2. Deepening Self-Awareness and Self-Discovery: Past Life Regression may offer insights into unresolved issues, patterns, or talents that have carried over from previous lives. It can provide a deeper understanding of oneself and personal growth. It allows individuals to delve into their soul’s journey across lifetimes, fostering self-awareness and self-discovery. It can reveal patterns, strengths, and aspects of their identity that contribute to a deeper understanding of themselves.
  3. Empowering Personal Transformation: Past Life Regression can be a catalyst for personal transformation, providing profound insights and healing opportunities. It can help individuals release limiting beliefs, overcome challenges, and embrace their true potential, leading to personal growth and empowerment. PLRT helps you work with your deep seated insecurities, anger, guilt, shame, depression, addictions, unexplainable physical pain, blocked feelings, loss of life focus.
  4. Healing Past Life Trauma and Emotional Wounds: By revisiting past-life memories, individuals might identify and release unresolved traumas or emotional blocks that they believe are impacting their current life. This process aims to facilitate healing and personal transformation. Past Life Regression can assist in healing deep-seated trauma and emotional wounds that have their origins in past-life experiences. By revisiting and releasing these unresolved traumas, individuals can experience profound healing and emotional well-being.
  5. Healing PTSD: Past Life Regression can be a valuable tool in healing trauma and Post-Traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by uncovering past-life experiences that are contributing to the trauma. By addressing and resolving these experiences, individuals can find healing, relief from anxiety, panic attacks, nightmares, shame, addictions, and a renewed sense of well-being.
  6. Resolving Unexplained Phobias or Obsessions: Sometimes phobias, fears, or recurring patterns in our lives could be linked to past-life experiences. Past Life Regression can help individuals understand and resolve unexplained phobias, obsessions, or strong aversions that have no apparent cause in their current life. By exploring past-life experiences, individuals can uncover the root causes of these intense emotions and release them.
  7. Release of Unexplained Physical Symptoms & Better Health: Physical symptoms, unexplainable physical pains or ailments without clear medical explanations could be related to past-life experiences. By going to the root cause and bringing about an understanding of how the Body-Mind connection works. Past Life Regression may assist in identifying and releasing the energetic or emotional sources of these symptoms. Past Life Regression helps in healing diseases, illnesses and ailments of a psychosomatic nature – born in the mind and manifested in the body.
  8. Healing Unexplained Allergies: Often allergies that have no apparent cause in their current life may be rooted in past-life experiences. As allergies can simply be past life phobias. Past Life Regression can help identify and heal the underlying emotional or energetic triggers associated with these phobias or allergies.
  9. Resolving Relationship Trauma & Patterns: Patterns and dynamics that repeat in relationships may have their roots in past-life connections. Understanding relationship conflicts and repetitive dysfunctional patterns. Past Life Regression can help individuals gain insights into these patterns, heal relationship wounds, discordant and unfinished severance of past relationships.and cultivate healthier connections in the present. it can bring closure to unresolved situations or relationships from the past. PLRT can assist in healing relationship trauma by exploring past-life experiences that have contributed to challenging relationship dynamics in the present. By addressing and releasing unresolved emotions and wounds, individuals can experience healing and transformation in their relationships. It can help individuals find peace, forgiveness, and a sense of completion, allowing them to move forward in their current life with greater clarity and acceptance.
  10. Enhancing Relationship Dynamics: Past Life Regression can shed light on the dynamics and patterns within current relationships by exploring past-life connections. It can help individuals understand the deeper soul-level agreements, lessons, and growth opportunities shared with others, leading to more harmonious and fulfilling relationships.
  11. Transcending Limiting Beliefs and Conditioning: By exploring past-life experiences, individuals may become aware of deep-seated limiting beliefs and conditioning that may have been carried over from past lives, and that are holding them back in their current life. Past Life Regression can help identify and release these beliefs, allowing for personal growth and expanded possibilities. Stepping beyond limiting self–beliefs, negative or destructive mental attitudes like lack of confidence, low self-esteem, lack of trust, poverty consciousness etc., to allows us to realise our full potential. Going beyond, crippling insecurities, anxiety, anger, guilt, shame, depression etc.
  12. Overcoming Patterns of Self-Sabotage: Past Life Regression can help individuals uncover and address patterns of self-sabotage that have persisted across lifetimes. By understanding the root causes of these patterns, individuals can work towards breaking free from self-destructive behaviors and create positive change in their lives.
  13. Releasing Emotional Baggage: Past Life Regression provides an opportunity to release emotional baggage, blocked feelings and unresolved emotions carried over from past lives which often causes unexplainable changes in behaviour, emotional outbursts. It can help individuals let go of emotional burdens and experience emotional freedom in their current life.
  14. Healing the Inner Child: Past Life Regression can assist in healing the wounded inner child by uncovering past-life experiences that have contributed to emotional wounds and limiting beliefs. By addressing and nurturing the inner child, individuals can experience emotional healing and reclaim their authentic selves.
  15. Transcending Fear of Death: Exploring past lives through regression therapy can help individuals confront and overcome their fear of death. It can provide reassurance and a broader perspective on the continuity of life beyond physical existence.
  16. Healing Soul-level Contracts, Karmic Patterns & Vows: Past Life Regression can assist in healing and releasing soul contracts, vows and karmic patterns that are no longer serving individuals’ growth and their highest good. By gaining awareness of these contracts and patterns, individuals can make conscious choices to break free from repetitive cycles and create new, empowering paths. Thus individuals can experience greater freedom, growth, and alignment with their true self.
  17. Expanding Talents, Passions and Abilities: Past Life Regression may uncover latent or hidden talents, skills, or abilities that individuals have carried over from previous lives. It can provide a deeper understanding of their natural aptitudes and offer avenues for personal and creative development. Past Life Regression can uncover past-life interests, hobbies, or passions that individuals can reconnect with and incorporate into their current life. It can help individuals rediscover their true passions and bring more joy and fulfillment into their present experiences. It can help you unlock dormant creative abilities and inspire artistic expression. Access unique perspectives, talents, and creative energies that can be channeled into various forms of artistic expression.
  18. Enhancing Intuition and Psychic Abilities: Past Life Regression may facilitate the development and enhancement of intuitive and psychic abilities. By exploring past-life experiences, individuals can tap into their intuitive potential and strengthen their connection with their innate psychic abilities.
  19. Reconnecting with Soul Purpose: Past Life Regression can assist individuals in reconnecting with their soul’s purpose and the missions they may have carried over from past lives. It can provide clarity and guidance on how to align their current life choices and actions with their soul’s higher purpose. Overcoming lack of direction, spiritual direction, low energy levels, etc.
  20. Overcoming Emotional Blocks and Patterns: Past Life Regression allows individuals to identify and release deep-seated emotional blocks and patterns that have persisted across lifetimes. By addressing these emotional wounds, individuals can experience emotional healing and personal transformation.
  21. Releasing Attachments and Letting Go: Through Past Life Regression, individuals can identify and release attachments to people, places, or past-life experiences that are no longer serving their highest good. This process allows for emotional and energetic liberation, promoting personal growth and freedom. It can offer closure and resolution to unresolved issues or unfinished business from past lives. It provides an opportunity to heal, forgive, and let go of past experiences.
  22. Balancing and Integrating Masculine and Feminine Energies: Past Life Regression can assist in balancing and integrating the masculine and feminine energies within individuals. By exploring past-life experiences, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics between these energies and work towards harmony and wholeness.
  23. Releasing Energetic Imprints: Past Life Regression allows individuals to identify and release energetic imprints or attachments that may be influencing their current life. By addressing these imprints from past-life experiences, individuals can clear and balance their energy field, promoting greater well-being and vitality.
  24. Resolving Patterns of Self-Sacrifice: Past Life Regression can help individuals uncover and heal patterns of self-sacrifice or martyrdom that may be holding them back in their current life. By understanding the origins of these patterns, individuals can reclaim their own needs, boundaries, and self-worth.
  25. Spiritual Awakening: Past Life Regression has the potential to trigger spiritual awakening experiences. By delving into past-life memories, individuals may experience a profound shift in consciousness, expanded awareness, and a deeper connection to their spiritual essence.
  26. Resolving Existential Questions and Seeking Meaning: Past Life Regression can help individuals explore existential questions about the nature of life, purpose, and the soul’s journey. Helps you to overcome unexplained dissatisfaction in life by bringing about alignment between your life purpose and your life path. It can provide insights and perspectives that contribute to a deeper understanding of personal meaning and spiritual fulfillment.
  27. Awakening Higher Consciousness: Past Life Regression offers an opportunity to awaken higher levels of consciousness and expand one’s awareness of the interconnectedness of all beings. It can facilitate experiences of unity, love, and oneness with the universe.
  28. Healing Grief and Loss: Past Life Regression can provide a framework for healing grief and loss by exploring past-life experiences that may have contributed to unresolved emotions. It can offer closure, understanding, and a sense of peace regarding the loss of loved ones.
  29. Accessing Past-Life Wisdom and Knowledge: Past Life Regression allows individuals to tap into the wisdom and knowledge they have acquired in past lives. This can provide insights, guidance, and solutions to current challenges and dilemmas.
  30. Spiritual Connection, Lessons and Guidance: For individuals seeking spiritual connection or guidance, Past Life Regression can offer a means of accessing wisdom, insights, and guidance from higher realms or spiritual guides associated with past lives. Past Life Regression can provide individuals with insights into spiritual lessons they need to learn or areas of personal growth they need to focus on in their current life. It can offer guidance on spiritual development and help individuals align with their soul’s purpose.
  31. Exploring Soul Connections: Past Life Regression can reveal significant soul connections and soul groups that individuals have encountered in past lives. This can provide a deeper understanding of the bonds and purpose shared with certain individuals in their present life.
  32. Accessing Spiritual Guides and Teachers: Past Life Regression can facilitate contact with spiritual guides, teachers, or ascended masters who have played significant roles in individuals’ past lives. This connection can provide guidance, wisdom, and support in navigating their current life path.
  33. Connecting with Higher Self & Wisdom: Past Life Regression may allow individuals to access higher levels of wisdom, guidance, and intuition. It can deepen their connection to their higher self or spiritual guides, providing valuable insights and guidance for their present life. They can also access the unconditional love of their higher self, fostering personal and spiritual growth.
  34. Healing Soul Fragmentation: Past Life Regression can assist in healing soul fragmentation by identifying and integrating fragmented aspects of the soul from past-life experiences. This process promotes wholeness, vitality, and a deeper connection to one’s authentic self.
  35. Deepening Spiritual Connection: Past Life Regression can deepen individuals’ spiritual connection and foster a stronger sense of spirituality in their lives. It can help individuals feel more connected to the divine, the universe, or their spiritual beliefs, and provide a framework for spiritual exploration and growth.
  36. Spiritual Growth and Evolution: Past Life Regression can be a tool for exploring their various past lives and overarching spiritual journey. This can help in understanding our soul’s purpose, and gaining a broader perspective on life and existence. Each incarnation offers opportunities for spiritual growth and evolution. By exploring past lives, individuals may gain insights into their soul’s journey, karmic lessons, and the progression of their spiritual development. It allows individuals to gain deeper understanding and clarity about the soul lessons they have chosen to learn in their current life. By exploring past-life experiences, individuals can recognize patterns, challenges, and growth opportunities that are aligned with their soul’s evolution. PLRT helps in understanding karmic lessons, and life purpose. Tapping into wisdom of the soul and applying it to present life problems. A tool for self-discovery and spiritual growth. Overcoming spiritual and emotional blocks. Relationship harmony. Connecting with inner abundance.
  37. Gaining Perspective on Life Challenges: Exploring past-life experiences can offer a broader perspective on current life challenges and difficulties. It can help individuals understand the purpose or lessons behind these challenges and provide insights on how to navigate them more effectively.
  38. Exploring Soul Essence and Identity: Past Life Regression can assist individuals in exploring the essence of their soul, its unique qualities, and its journey across different lifetimes. This exploration can foster a greater sense of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love.
  39. Overcoming Spiritual Blocks and Stagnation: Past Life Regression can help individuals identify and overcome spiritual blocks, stagnation, or resistance to growth. By exploring past-life experiences, individuals can address any patterns or barriers that have been hindering their spiritual development and move forward on their path.
  40. Healing Spiritual Trauma: Past Life Regression can help individuals address and heal spiritual trauma or wounds that may have been carried over from past-life experiences. This can involve releasing negative belief systems, resolving conflicts with religious or spiritual institutions, and finding a renewed sense of spiritual connection and healing.
  41. Cultivating Inner Peace and Serenity: Past Life Regression can bring about a deep sense of inner peace and serenity by resolving past-life conflicts, traumas, and unresolved emotions. By releasing emotional baggage from the past, individuals can experience a greater sense of peace and well-being in their current life. It offers an opportunity to explore past-life relationships and events that may have caused pain or hurt. By gaining insight into these experiences and their underlying dynamics, individuals can cultivate forgiveness, compassion, and healing for themselves and others involved.
  42. Cultivating Acceptance of Diversity: Past Life Regression can promote a deeper understanding and acceptance of diversity by revealing past-life experiences in different cultures, races, or social contexts. It can foster empathy, compassion, and a broader perspective on the interconnectedness of all humanity.
  43. Strengthening Trust in Divine Timing: Past Life Regression can assist in developing trust in the divine timing and unfolding of one’s life journey. By gaining insights into past-life experiences and the timing of significant events, individuals can cultivate patience, surrender, and trust in the greater plan.
  44. Deepening Understanding of Soul Lessons: Past Life Regression allows individuals to gain deeper understanding and clarity about the soul lessons they have chosen to learn in their current life. By exploring past-life experiences, individuals can recognize patterns, challenges, and growth opportunities that are aligned with their soul’s evolution.
  45. Awakening Empathic Abilities: Past Life Regression can awaken and develop empathic abilities by exploring past-life experiences where individuals had a heightened sensitivity to the emotions and energies of others. This can support individuals in navigating their empathic nature with greater awareness and self-care.

How to book a session?

If you have faith spiritual healing, or want to heal an aspect of your life do contact us:
Abhishek :  +91 981020 6293
Priyanka:  +91 959428 0000
or mail us at 
Duration: 1 1/2- 2 hours. 2:30 – 4:30 pm IST.
Location: Online (Zoom app); Or at our centres in Sector 57, Gurgaon, or Mahendra City, Bhopal.
Fee: Rs 7000 INR per session
Payment can be done via Google Pay, Paytm, UPI or Bank Transfer. (Details sent upon request).
  • Prior payment is required at the time of booking a session. It is advised to book at least 1 week in advance. Message us whenever you transfer, we will book you for next available date.

  • We don’t offer any discounts, so please don’t embarass us by asking for the same. Any good healing is worth saving for. Fee is non-negotiable, non-refundable and non-transferable.

  • Please inform us about all your physical and mental health issues before hand. 
  • PLR is all about going within your Subconscious Mind and has nothing to do with your location, hence it is equally effective in both offline or online mode, choose what is more convenient. 
  • Follow-up sessions are usually advised 15 days to a month after the first session. It is important to complete the healing cycle for sustainable healing effect.
  • Please arrive 15 mins prior to the session, you can relax.
  • Cancellation Policy: In case, you want to cancel a session, it needs to be done at least 24 hours in advance with a valid reason, so we can allot the slot to someone else. No-show or late cancellations, will cost you 50% of the session fee. For new clients this would be 100 % of the fee. Read more
How to pay if you are living outside India:
  • You can use Xoom PayPal (not PayPal) or any reliable transfer service like Wise (formerly Transferwise), Remitly etc, which transfers fee directly to our bank account. Transfer fee will have to be borne by the client.
  • You can use an currency online  converter to get actual fee in your local currency at the time of payment. Like this one.
  • While communicating over phone or whatsapp, please note India time IST is GMT+ 5:30. Our working hours 11 am – 7 pm


We can only take up clients, whom our Spiritguides allow us to work with. Some clients are meant to work with others, with whom their energies align better. Universe wants what’s best for you.


Q. How many sessions would I require?

A. This depends on the issue and the person. Some people’s mind is quick or they are regular meditators, they are able to explore even 2-3 lifetimes in a session, while some who are logical can only manage one. Though usually 2-3 sessions are sufficient for an issue. Often having experiences PLRT once, people want to explore many other aspects of their lives, and use it as a tool for Spiritual growth!

Q. What should I expect? Will I remember what I see or experience during the regression? Will I be unconscious or asleep?

A regression session is like a deep guided meditation, where you are constantly narrating your experiences to the therapist. So it is not really a stupor or a trance as hypnotism is commonly associated with.

A regression is the process of going deep into the subconscious mind, where all the memories are stored. Many people have spontaneous regression during deep meditation, which is perfectly normal, or they may get insights in dreams – images from the past – which can be used for further exploration.

There is nothing to fear as it is a natural and common process in the evolution of soul, not some black magic. No one can make it happen for you if you are an unwilling subject. It is a participatory journey, dependent upon trust and faith and the wish to heal oneself.

Q. How does it help?

Through regression we go back into your past and release trapped traumatic or negative energy such as pain or sadness that is part of our body’s memory. We also release unhealthy beliefs such as mistrust or guilt, or vows we have formed in the past. The results soon start showing up as the body starts healing quite soon. That itself proves the genuineness of the experience.

Once a person relaxes and begins to trust the process, they find it easier to access deep memories. That is why subsequent sessions become easier as a person relaxes more easily.

Q. Is the session recorded?

No, it is not required, as you remain aware of the process throughout the session, talking to the therapist, who will guide you through the session in case of individual session. Longer sessions like Spiritual Reegression (LBL) can be recorded, minus the initial induction part.

Q. Can I bring my spouse or a my friend along?

A. No. A session takes place in a healing environment, so no one else is allowed.. Though you can choose to be accompanied by a friend or family members, however they would be sitting another room. Usually clients prefer a session alone with the therapist as they can share the intimate details of their lifetime freely. Only teens are allowed to have a chaperone in the room, but that too is not advisable.

Q. Will forget present life memories?

No, only remember deep hidden ones from the Unconscious Mind. Erasing memories is not possible.

Q. Will knowing my past hamper my present life and its relationships?

An experience of past life enriches our life. Knowing our past story, we can clearly understand, what is the learning or lesson we are carrying forward. We understand our life story and relationships better. Most are afraid of seeing their dark lifetimes, but in truth we all have had good and bad lifetimes, that is how we get to experience the whole spectrum of human experience.

Q. What is the duration of a regression session?

Usually a session lasts for 1 1/2-2 hrs. Including time for initial talking, session and post-session counselling to help integrate the wisdom gain during the session. People who meditate have faster session.

Q. How much time does it take to feel the results after the session?

Usually, a client may start experiencing psychological changes much faster than the physical changes. Results may take somewhere between few weeks to surface.

Q. What if I do not believe in PLR?

A. There is no need to believe in PLR as such, there are many healing modalities available. Pick what you are called to.

Be open. Explore. Take a leap sometimes. Start by reading about PLR, Dr. Brian Weiss’s books or videos on net etc, or someone who has experienced PLR themselves. In any case, like many healing modalities we arrive at PLRT, when are ready. If you are not, you are not, don’t push. Rather wait, examine your resistance. May be you can overcome it.

Q. How do I decide whether I need PLRT or not?

A. If you have relationship issues or problems regarding health, or phobias which you have been unable to resolve for a long time, PLR can help you identify the root of the problem and heal it. That apart, it helps you observe certain patterns in your life and what they have taught you.

Q. Can my problem be resolved by PLRT? Can I be absolutely sure?

A. This only can be addressed once we have learnt about your problem. Like any healing modalities or even modern medicine, we too do not guarantees of absolute or miracle cure, though we have had great results over the year. Every person responds to healing differently, plus it is also about time and karma. If it is time client heal in a single session.

Q. What about follow-up session?

Follow-up sessions are usually advised 15 days after the first session.

Q. Why is it important to do PLR with trained-therapist?

A.  Anyone can go into their past lives on their own by listening to audio-tapes, or spontaneously through meditation or dreams, but how you resolve issues from different lifetimes and heal past life memories or traumas requires the specialized help of a therapist. It’s incumbent upon the willingness of the client to access a past life and the expertise of the therapist to guide the client well into the session so that client can find answers to their questions.

The therapist also helps the client assimilate and integrate the information received into their life. Insights, when integrated into everyday choices, become wisdom. Otherwise they remain as mere knowledge.

The fruits of a successful PLR, of course, belong to the client.

Q. What if I cannot access a past life, or past life memory?

A. Success rate of a PLR session specifically depends on how open and ready your mind is . Otherwise Hypnosis is very easy to learn. Meditate for a few days and go for it!

A hypnotherapist can only assist you go into hypnosis. Rest depends on you, how open and ready your subconscious mind is. Also if you are too logical or analytical you just might miss or block subtle information the subconscious mind offers during the session. Best to practice meditation for week prior to the session, so you know how to go deep, and learn to go with the flow!

Once in a while, we do encounter people who are unable to access their past lives. That’s a risky you will have to take in first session. So we advice them to Meditate daily for a fortnight. This opens the subconscious mind and they have been able to access in next session.

Another thing, which helps is prayer. This I learnt many years ago from one person, who claimed to have ‘failed‘ many noted regression therapists. I had to tell her that it is not their failure.. I suggested her to pray to the deity she prayed to everyday prior to a group regression I was facilitating. She not only accessed the relevant past life, but also got a lot of answers from her spiritguides. That day she was humble, open and ready as she could drop her sense of entitlement and pride. As they say, when the student is ready the teacher appears.

Next some people have spirit attachments, often souls they have harmed in past lives, which block their access to past lives. So Spirit release Therapy helps, be it remote or directly.

Lastly, for those few who fail, I check with my Spiritguides, often they have been suggested to do some form Sewa: social service, volunteering or charity etc to earn some good karma. Afterall, no one gets to heal before they are karmically ready.

Not everybody can experience a past live, and reach a deep state to allow them such an experience. People with doubts and skepticism about the modalities of past life regression or the concept of reincarnation might want clarity before pursuing this path towards self-healing. Sometimes terror, anxiety and apprehension regarding previous lifetimes also prevent a person from relaxing. It might be due to karmic or energy blocks, third-eye block, or the subconscious not prepared enough to open up to past life information.

A subject’s ability to access his or her past life memories depends on their openness to the technique, the ability to relax, and the willingness to explore the subconscious and the dark side of one’s personality. Regular meditators are able to relax and go deep easily.

We heal when we are ready to.

Q. Is there any other way I get information about my lives, if I am unable to access a past Life?

People who are unable to go deep or unable to access past life can take benefit of Psychic Regression through Akashic Records. Read here.

Q. What if we cannot identify the cause of the problem in the first session?

It’s rare that a client is unable to access the lifetime related to their problems, though there may be blocks created by the client themselves to bar past trauma and pain. In case the subconscious takes wants to clear another lifetime, we require another session. As with other things, persistence pays.



1. “Don’t have words to thank u Abhishek for all your guidance and support and expertise

After yrs feeling healed, and able to experience something positive peace luv happiness enthusiasm.

Planning to start afresh in life, relations, job, and health. Let’s see where God guides me.

Stay blessed and stay happy and alive.”

~ Dr Kavita

2. “The workshop changed my thinking pattern n I am able to reason out the reasons which looked unreasonable… Life is beyond logic..

We didn’t realize throughout the workshop the amazing power n wisdom of Abhishek to heal n guide as if his positive energies were helping us…we all were together in our journey for some reason…”

~ Meeta

3. “I can’t thank you enough for the wonderful experience you gave us. God bless you”

~ Rajesh Jain

4. “Thanks for the wonderful workshop. “

~ Vibhuti

5. “I wanted say that i really learned lot from you. Now i can see things differently. In a way i feeling very light now day and much happier.”

– Ritu Aggarwal

6. Today I am happy! Today am at peace with myself! Today I can stand up for myself. Today I do not lie any more. Today I do not hide! Today I share my thoughts with my family and friends! Today I live and will have a beautiful tomorrow for sure! This is what I got! Thank you Priyanka and Abhishek for being there!!!
– Anubhav Adlakha

7. “..going within and knowing your Inner Child is AMAZING.. Feeling Grateful to God for giving me the right facilitator’s Abhishek & Priyanka in the right time for improving my Inner journey…”
~ Ranveet

8. “..It was overwhelming. An eye opener through closed eyes. Soul searching and soul stirring.”
~ Neeraj

9. “I was a seventeen years old Jewish woman (during the Holocaust) who was summoned from my home and enrolled to work at a factory…I had excruciating pain since I turned eighteen during the current lifetime. I healed my right leg which has been troubling me again this life time, and I healed my broken skull, thus healing a migraine that showed up suddenly 22 years back and has been my constant companion ever since.”

– Minu

10. “It was an eye opening workshop. Sometimes in life we keep on living wondering what is missing in life. And with just one session the answer came. It is a starting point for me but both Abhishek & Priyanka showed me where & how ‘I can heal my life’. Learning of a lifetime.
Much love 💕
~ Rohini

11. “There are many untold tales to discover in our lives. One such method is hypnotherapy through which we can play peek a boo to our past lives and get to know who the real person we are. I too tried it myself playfully and my eyes opened knowing the truth. Finally i got answers to innumerable questions regarding my life purpose, the real ‘ME’ that I am since many birth. PLR (Past life regression) helped me lose the fear of death, fear hidden in me being an emotional person. I found strength understanding the truth. However, my inquisitive mind wanted me to delve deeper to try and find more answers. This led me to attend LBL (Life between lives) session. This is the journey of a soul in the spirit world after death from previous birth and before taking next birth. This journey helped me meet my soul group, who are they to me in this birth, also got answers to the pattern of lives each of us are living. What are the lessons to be learnt? Am I doing enough with the lessons learnt from previous lives? These answers helped me improve my ways and habits, even though sometimes I lose track, I do come back for good. After the LBL session helped open the vastness of life, I attended another session of journey to the Akashic library to clear the Karmic baggage and ask and receive forgiveness from many souls for the highest good. I could clear and let go the traumatic birth records in the library and found peace doing it. I was able to clear the negative energies, anger, pain, burning fire within as guided. I helped give light to few souls within my soul group for crossing over too after their tragic death. During these sessions we learnt various meditation to improve our psychic gifts we are born with, such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.

I would like to thank Abhishek Joshi specially for guiding me throughout the sessions with his peaceful loving voice taking me deep through guided meditation. Abhishek helped me explore the journey and make the correct choice of living life. He inspired me to learn hypnotherapy and help guide others in their soul journey. I consider him as my mentor too. Gratitude!!! Love and Light!

– Munni Banerjee

12. “Thank you so much Abhishek 🙏🏻”
– David Gonzalez, Spain

Recommended reading:

* Many Lives, Many Masters by Dr. Brian Weiss

* Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Dr. Michael Newton

Our Case Studies:

* Financial and Career blocks from Past Lives

* Healing Past Life Curses

* Sexual Abuse and its healing

* Mystical Future Progression

* Why revenge doesn’t work in the long run

* Spontaneous healing thru Past Life Regression

* Holocaust victims

* Hiroshima bomber : “My God, what have we done?”

* Titanic Crew – Guilt trip

* Draupad and Satyaki: Fight for Femininity

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