Past Life Regression Workshop


“Inner Journeys Workshops have come a long way, from their beginning in 2015. Each new workshop has taught us new way of helping fellow beings, faciliate their healing better, and also to channel cosmic wisdom more precisely – the resultant transformation journeys have been inspirational to say the least. These workshops have been ever evolving. No two workshops are the same, as each time a unique group of kindred souls comes together magically; with shared stories, wounds and healing needs. Together they embark upon their healing journey. At Inner Journeys, we feel it is priviledge to facilitate their inner journey. “

-Priyanka & Abhishek

Experience the transformational power of a two-day experiential Inner Journeys workshop. Explore the tools of Inner Child Healing, Archetypes & Shadow Work, Chakra Healing and yes Past Life Regression Therapy!

We help you to journey within, explore and heal your relationships first with Yourself and then with Others.

During this workshop, we teach you a combination of different healing modalities. So that by the end of these two days you feel healed and empowered. You break old patterns and behaviours, and start your life afresh with a new Operating System.

There are certain questions for which we keep seeking answers for all our lives. In the workshop you can find answers to all such questions.

*What is the purpose of My life?
*Why do I feel trapped in a particular situation?
*Why am I, not getting the desired success?
*Why you feel unloved?
*Why am I not happy?
* Why can’t handle over my triggers?
* What am I missing out in my life?
* I have all I wanted but why am I still not happy?
* Why did I have to go through this pain and trauma?
* What is it that life is trying to teach me!
* Why do I get into bad relationships?
* What does God wants me to learn for this misery in my life?

And many more of such questions …

You will be able to understand and clear the blocks related to:
1. Finances
5.Unexplained aches and Illnesses

In the workshop you also get to identify your triggers and reasons for why certain things that people say or do hurt or irritate you in a big way, what is the reason behind it and how to deal with it. So that the remote control of your temperament is no more in someone else’s hands.

You learn to meditate on your own and clear your chakras and pastlives through meditation.

Workshop is all about knowing yourself better and work towards self love and acceptance and once you are at peace with yourself then u can spread this harmony in every sphere of your life.

Are you ready for your journey into yourself? Rest assured it is the greatest adventure life will ever offer. Join us.


* Learn to meditate
* Connect with your guides
* Able to take guidance from your spirit guides on daily basis.
* Know your Inner Child or emotional self and help it heal.
* Heal your childhood memories and traumas
* Learn to clear your energies.
* You will know how to deal with relationships and heal them.
* Future progression helps in getting clarity about future
* Once you identify your blocks you will be able to clear them. Blocks could be related to finance, relationships or health.


* Anyone above age 18
* People who want to know themselves better
* Who want to take their spiritual growth to the next level
* Who want to know their triggers and work on them
* Who want to heal their relationships conflicts
* Who have control issues, conflicts with authority
* Who are missing love and care in life
* Who have been through some trauma in life specially childhood.
* Who want to find freedom from shame, guilt, anger, perfectionism, emotional disconnection, loneliness, low self-esteem
* Who are looking for recognition and appreciation from the outside world and get disappointed again and again.


Day 1:
* Mindfulness and Body awareness meditations
* Knowing and Meeting the Inner Child
* Healing the Inner Child, Re-parenting
* Age Regression and Soul Retrieval
* Reintegrating your lost soul powers
* Archetypes, Hero’s Journey.
* Introduction to roadmap to the soul

Day 2:
* Relationship dynamics for spiritual growth
* Past Life Perspectives
* Working on the Shadow Side
* Mysticism and Grace
* Developing an inner life through prayer, silence and contemplation.
* Practical Spirituality and awareness of Spiritual Laws.
* Future progression and Angel Guidance

Each workshop is different based on group’s energies and requirements. So it is a new experience each time!

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world.
Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”
~ Rumi

We invite you to join us on this journey called life and be our co-traveller.

Dates: December 16-17, 2023, (Sat-Sun)
Timing: 11 am – 6:30 pm IST

Location: Inner Journeys, Sector 57, Gurgaon.

Fee: Rs 11,800 INR per person

Facilitators: Abhishek Joshi & Priyanka Shukla

Contact: +91 959428 0000, +91 981020 6293

If you interested in attending our next Online/offline Workshop. Send in your name and location to Email: Also send in brief profile and a simple photograph. 


“Thank you so much Abhishek 🙏🏻”
– David Gonzalez, Spain

Upcoming Inner Journey Workshops

Past Workshops

PLR Workshop Nov 2017

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Note: Any one with any form of mental illness and taking psychiatric medications, need to inform us in advance.

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