Shadow Work

“If you are irritated by every rub,

how will your mirror ever be polished?”

― Rumi

How can I be more Authentic?

Where is my spiritual growth stuck? I’m doing everything.

How can I be less irritated by my family?

Why do I get triggered so easily?

Why do negative patterns keep repeating?

If the above questions plague you. If you wish to go beyond your triggers, we have a perfect healing tool for you – Shadow Work.

Shadow represents the Unconscious parts of our Psyche, which show up as Triggers, Dysfunctional Life Cycles and Patterns and yes Projections! Shadow Work,  helps resolve lifelong inner conflicts, by understanding and healing dysfunctional and destructive sub-personalities, understanding the interplay of archetypes and their Shadow side, be it Child, Victim, Saboteur, or Anima & Animus. It is unravelling the masks we wear, often unknowingly,  or unconsciously. Life is but a journey of making the unconscious, conscious, this makes the presence of unresolved or unhealed shadows within, not just chaotic but also deceptive.

In righteous wars, we become what we hate! Because we are, what we hate, we just don’t know it yet. Hermann Hesse once said, “If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us.” Makes sense?

That’s why Shadow Work has always been integral to our Healing work at Inner Journeys. 

“If you have a problem with everybody in life,

maybe the problem lies in you.”

When we take full responsibility for a present problem and look for solutions, instead of feeling victimized by it, we become psychological adults. Know that what we are encountering again and again, and feeling frustrated is nothing but our unresolved Shadow side. Accepting this simple fact is freedom, freedom to finally change in our lives. When we are done with blaming, and playing the victim. Once we accept our own dysfunctions, failure and craziness, then we find it easier to be with another flawed individual. We are not looking for perfection, but humanity, common grounds, goals and aspirations. Also when, we forget to see our own darkness, and heal it, thus we end up invoking the same all around. If I feel everybody around me has a problem, then maybe the problem is with me. What I am failing to see within, is what I am encountering all around.  

Our entire life script is designed to wake us up, but we resist it as long as we can. Don’t we? Begrudgingly, we acknowledge the presence of an anomaly in our life, once we are done with blaming our past and everybody else, we are ready to take responsibility for the mess within.

Have you noticed, before every major festivity like Diwali, there is a tradition to clear with our homes? That is because, before we invite the light and festivities in, we need to clear out the junk! Our inner junk would be debris of past, useless habits, and traits – in short, our shadows. Only then do we get to celebrate life. Celebrate who we are!

Are you ready, my friend? 


What is a Shadow?

carl-jungShadow is the part of us, which has not received the light of our awareness. It is our unhealed wound or relationship, the addiction we cannot overcome and our undiscovered powerhouse – Inner Gold. 

It can be a trait that irritates or triggers you or a quality that you idolise in others. A concept developed by noted Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, Shadow is nothing but the unknown, unexplored or unaccepted part of our personality – our dark side. The part we repress, deny or hide. Thus, what we resist, persists in the unconscious. Be it Personal Unconscious or Collective Unconscious.

Shadow is instinctive and irrational and shows up repeatedly in our dreams, shadow projections and irritations. And it continues to control our choices and behaviour. We may wear masks or build fortresses around us or even try to overcompensate, but the shadow never goes away till we acknowledge it and deal with it. And yes, heal it!

We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are“, said Anaïs Nin, though the thought often attributed to the Babylonian Talmud. Engaging with our shadows is an ongoing journey. Everything and everyone has a shadow; the stronger the light, the more pronounced the shadow. Every archetype has its shadow side. The stronger the light, the darker the shadow. Dream Therapy can be an excellent tool to work through your dreams and access the Wisdom of your powerful Subconscious, Carl Jung called his method of going deep, ‘active imagination’.

“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.” – Carl Jung

mirror fragments on gray surface with the reflection of a person s arm
Photo by Thiago Matos

Life is a mirror. It always reflects back our inner truths. Fighting with the mirror is futile. In short, our inner microcosm gets reflected in the outside microcosm we find ourselves surrounded by. Shadow Work is the only way to heal our inner conflicts and find peace within, by getting a grip on our triggers, and thus our life.

Above all, through the Law of Attraction, we end up attracting what we fear experiencing – our shadows. This makes Shadow work an important tool not just for spiritual growth, but also to attract better health, well-being and abundance. Without this Vibrational realignment, we keep attracting the same patterns of conflicts, and disharmony in our relationships and life. Heal your shadows, heal your life.

Shadow and Spiritual growth

sacred lotus flower in green foliage
Photo by Will Mu

SPIRITUAL GROWTH is not about ‘spiritual’ practices or spiritual experiences, let alone intuitive skills. It is, as we discover after a few decades on the path, who we are in our private lives and within. Facing our day-to-day challenges. Health, relationships, work or the mundane, nothing is beyond the purvey of shadow. Wherever there is light, there is dark as well, and this is the proverbial Shadow dance.

You can’t be mindful enough or at all times to handle your dark traits. Can you? You need a better solution.

You have realised that simply being nice (or pretending to be so) or toxic positivity (silver lining or spiritualizing every tragedy or challenge) via self-suppression is not the pathway to spirit growth. Nor is escaping into esoteric concepts, dimensions, astral travels or what have you. In short, faking it till you make it, or Spiritual bypassing doesn’t work when it comes to spiritual growth or inner peace. It is about being authentic, embracing your light and darkness with equanimity.

Why Shadow Work is the final frontier of Inner Work? Shadow Work opens pathways to true spiritual growth we always wish we had. Shadow Work is the tool that finally freed us as facilitators, from years of our own little dramas, and shadow dance. That’s the reason, we decided to share this tool, which we have used for ourselves with fellow travellers. It is a tool we rely upon whenever life gets messy, chaotic or bizarre, which itself is a sign that some new or undiscovered Shadow needs attention, and needs to be addressed. And Boy! Life can pull a fast one of us when we become complacent or smug. Keep us on our toes and humble. If we are still here on earth, there is work to do. We are all, a work in progress, aren’t we? For Shadows when ignored, doesn’t go away. They keep growing and eventually consume all the good things in our lives. History is filled with people and civilizations, which couldn’t grapple with their shadows and fell to ruins. 

“No tree, it is said, can grow to heaven

unless its roots reach down to hell.”

– Carl Jung

Shadow and Relationships

a couple leaning on each other
Photo by Mikhail Nilov

ONE PLACE where our shadows show up more readily is our intimate relationships, close family and parenting. Here we get triggered the most and thus have maximum potential for growth.  Else shadow creates havoc in relationships via estrangement or conflicts. These are inescapable parts of our life script, as we are karmically bound to them. Otherwise, we are all capable of building a life tip-toeing around our triggers. But then, no one grows in their comfort zone. Life will do everything to destabilize us via shadow conflicts. We encounter our shadows even if we skip from one relationship to another, one office to another. Because we carry our unlearnt shadow lessons with us and recreate the same dynamics. Even across lifetimes. 

Often when we are finally ready to face our shadow, that is when our dark lifetimes surface in dreams, Past Life Regression and Akashic Records Healing. Otherwise, we stay comfortable in our victimhood and avoid taking responsibility for the mess we find ourselves in and the one we continue to create for others, knowingly or unknowingly. The shadow side can control every choice we make, and in places, we lose control. Thus, it shows up sadly in addictions, self-sabotage, and self-harm. A common example would be Busyness or Workaholism or Productivity and performance-based Self-worth, especially in men, which is a modern addiction and self-harm pattern, which begins with disengaging with our emotions and intuition (Yin-Yang/Anima-Animus). The result? Relationship disasters, as we see all around, are clubbed with Toxic masculinity or feminity. This, in turn, fuels the Dark side of ambition – greed and passion without compassion! 

How are Shadows formed?

my_inner_child_by_berkozturk-d6wmbreMOST SHADOWS are formed in our childhood, in the formative years, when a single event can leave a lasting impact on the Subconscious Mind. Events where we felt judged, shamed, small, suppressed, unloved, unworthy or rejected. Simply put, – Not Good Enough or Not Worthy Enough. This way, we lose our light and thus emerge our shadow from within.

Often abusive or manipulative parenting, controlling (disciplining), passive-aggressive, puritan or narcissist parents create highly dysfunctional shadow traits. Combined with childhood injunctions, faulty programming, like software bugs shows up in dysfunctional behaviour patterns, anger, abuse and manipulation.



What is Shadow Work?


Shadows dwell in our Unconscious and the Subconscious. That is why triggers are so hard to manage by the conscious mind or willpower, let alone heal them. Awareness of our triggers via mindfulness is only the first step. The key step here is to engage with our complex and hidden personality traits, which are often in conflict with each other. For this, we need to work with someone who can help us, guide us and eventually heal our own Dark side. What better tool than Hypnotherapy. As it gives us direct access to the Subconscious and begins our true inner journey, of Inner work – that’s the power of Shadow Work!

Shadow work is a psychological and spiritual practice that involves exploring and integrating the unconscious aspects of ourselves, known as the shadow. Developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, shadow work aims to bring light and awareness to the parts of ourselves that we have repressed, denied, or deemed unacceptable.

Shadow work involves delving into the depths of our psyche to uncover suppressed emotions, beliefs, desires, and fears. It invites self-reflection and introspection, leading to a deeper understanding of ourselves.

Shadowwork is excellent for you if …

• You feel powerless in your relationships. Do you get irritated or by everyone especially by close family? or can’t seem to have cordial relationships.
• You are unable to manage your emotions like Anger, irritation, anxiety, and depression.
• You have a dream to achieve something big in life but you feel worthless.
• You judge yourself too much and what others think of you affects you.
• You feel emotionally exploited in most of your relationships.
• You attract the same kind of people or patterns in your life.
• You are unable to excel in your career.
• You think you are unable to utilise your full potential.

Key Benefits of Shadow Work

1. Resolving Inner Conflicts: Shadow work allows us to resolve inner conflicts by exploring the opposing forces within us. By integrating these conflicting aspects, we find greater inner harmony, clarity, and alignment with our values and goals.

2. Integration of the Shadow: The purpose of shadow work is not to eliminate or eradicate the shadow but to integrate it into our conscious awareness. By acknowledging and embracing our shadow aspects, we can foster greater self-acceptance, wholeness, and inner harmony.

3. Healing and Transformation: Shadow work provides an opportunity for healing deep-seated wounds and traumas. By bringing awareness to our shadow aspects, we can address unresolved issues, release emotional burdens, and cultivate inner healing and transformation.

4. Uncovering Patterns and Triggers: Shadow work allows us to recognize recurring patterns, triggers, and reactions in our lives. By understanding the underlying shadow dynamics, we can make conscious choices and break free from self-sabotaging behaviours or unhealthy relationship patterns.

5. Integration of Polarities: Shadow work helps us integrate polarities within ourselves, such as light and darkness, good and evil, and strength and vulnerability. By embracing both sides of the spectrum, we can cultivate a more balanced and authentic sense of self.

Shadowwork promotes the integration of all aspects of ourselves, leading to a sense of wholeness and integration. By embracing our shadows, we recognize that every aspect of our being has value and contributes to our overall growth and well-being.

6. Increased Self-Awareness: Shadow work enhances self-awareness by shining a light on the aspects of ourselves that were previously hidden or ignored. It promotes a deep exploration of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, leading to greater self-understanding and personal growth.

Shadowwork helps uncover hidden motivations, desires, and needs that may have been buried or suppressed. By bringing these aspects to light, we can gain clarity on what truly drives us and make choices aligned with our authentic selves.

7. Empowerment and Cultivating Self-Responsibility: Engaging in shadow work empowers individuals to take responsibility for their own healing and growth. It encourages self-accountability and the recognition that we have the power to change and integrate our shadow aspects. It fosters a sense of self-responsibility as we take ownership of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. By acknowledging our shadow aspects, we become more aware of how we contribute to our own experiences and can make empowered choices.

8. Enhancing Authentic Relationships: Shadow work positively impacts our relationships by increasing empathy, compassion, and understanding for ourselves and others. It helps us navigate conflicts, projections, and triggers more skillfully, fostering healthier and more authentic connections.

Shadow work supports the cultivation of authentic relationships by encouraging open and honest communication. By acknowledging and sharing our shadow aspects with others, we create a space for deeper connections based on vulnerability and acceptance.

Further, Shadow’s work supports the resolution of repetitive relationship patterns by uncovering the underlying wounds and dynamics that contribute to these patterns. By addressing these patterns at their root, we can create healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

9. Spiritual Growth and Transcendence: Shadow work is not limited to psychological healing; it also has spiritual dimensions. By integrating our shadow aspects, we can experience spiritual growth, expanded consciousness, and a deeper connection with our true essence.

10. Liberation and Freedom: Shadow work liberates us from the unconscious patterns and conditioning that hold us back from living a fulfilled and authentic life. It allows us to break free from self-imposed limitations and live more fully aligned with our values and aspirations.

11. Emotional Healing and Integration: Shadow work involves working with and integrating suppressed or repressed emotions. It offers an opportunity to heal emotional wounds, release emotional baggage, and cultivate emotional intelligence and resilience.

12. Self-Compassion and Acceptance: Shadow work encourages self-compassion and self-acceptance by embracing all aspects of ourselves, including the ones we may have deemed undesirable or unacceptable. It fosters a non-judgmental and loving relationship with ourselves.

13. Breaking Patterns of Self-Sabotage: Shadow work helps uncover self-sabotaging behaviours and patterns that may be holding us back in various areas of life. By bringing awareness to these patterns, we can consciously choose new, healthier ways of being and relating. 

14. Breaking Free from Repetitive Patterns: Shadow work helps us break free from repetitive patterns and cycles that keep us stuck. By exploring the underlying beliefs and wounds that drive these patterns, we can make conscious choices to create new, empowering narratives and behaviours.

15. Reclaiming Personal Power by Releasing Limiting Beliefs and Patterns: Shadow work empowers us to reclaim our personal power from the shadow aspects that may have been unconsciously controlling our thoughts, actions, and choices. It enables us to become more self-directed and assertive in creating the life we desire. Shadow work supports the release of limiting beliefs and patterns that hold us back. By uncovering and challenging these beliefs, we can create new empowering narratives that allow us to step into our full potential.

16. Cultivating Authenticity: Shadow work promotes authenticity by encouraging us to embrace all parts of ourselves, including the ones we may have suppressed to fit societal norms or expectations. It allows us to show up in the world as our true selves, without fear of judgment or rejection.

17. Deepening Spirituality: Shadow work can deepen our spiritual journey by confronting and integrating the spiritual aspects of our shadow. It opens the door to profound spiritual insights, experiences, and growth.

18. Liberation from External Expectations: Shadow work liberates us from the influence of external expectations and societal conditioning. It allows us to live according to our own values, desires, and authentic expression, free from the need for approval or validation from others.

19. Cultivating Healthy Boundaries: Shadow work helps us establish and maintain healthy boundaries in relationships. It enables us to discern and communicate our needs, desires, and limits, fostering more balanced and mutually supportive connections.

20. Cultivating Authentic Relationships: Shadow work supports the cultivation of authentic, conscious relationships. By integrating our own shadows, we become more accepting and compassionate towards the shadows of others, fostering deeper connections and understanding.

Shadowwork helps us recognize and address our own biases, prejudices, and unconscious beliefs. By exploring the shadow aspects related to social conditioning, we can foster greater inclusivity, empathy, and acceptance of diversity in all its forms.

21. Reconnecting with Lost or Neglected Parts of Self: Shadow work allows us to reconnect with parts of ourselves that have been lost, neglected, or disowned. By embracing these aspects, we can experience a sense of wholeness, integration, and self-acceptance. 

22. Transcending Victim Mentality: Shadow work empowers us to move beyond a victim mentality by taking responsibility for our own healing and growth. It enables us to reclaim our personal power and create positive change in our lives.

23. Transforming Self-Judgment and Self-Criticism: Shadow work invites us to release self-judgment and self-criticism by embracing our shadow aspects. It cultivates self-compassion, self-love, and a more nurturing and supportive inner dialogue. It helps heal the inner critic, the voice of self-judgment and self-sabotage. By understanding the origins and motivations of this critical voice, we can cultivate self-compassion and develop a more supportive and nurturing inner dialogue.

24. Healing and Releasing Shame and Guilt: Shadow work provides an opportunity to heal and release deep-seated shame and the guilt deeply ingrained within us. By shining a compassionate light on these emotions, and on the hidden aspects we feel ashamed of, we can develop self-compassion and self-acceptance, freeing ourselves from the burden of shame. We can release self-judgment, embrace self-acceptance, and cultivate a sense of worthiness.

25. Embracing the Sacred Masculine and Feminine: Shadow work supports the integration and honouring of the sacred masculine and feminine energies within ourselves. By embracing and balancing these energies, we cultivate harmonious relationships within and with others.

“He who conquers himself is the mightiest warrior.” ~Confucius

A Shadow Work session may include:

Shadow Work session when done under Hypnosis becomes all the more powerful. It may include one or more of the following. No session is the same, catered to the individual needs of the person.

  • Shadow Mapping: Shadow projections and Archetypes. 
  • Learning tools of Shadow Work: Knowing your Inner Dialogue, Journaling Exercise, Dream therapy etc
  • Finding the Balance & the Gift of Shadow
  • Shadow Integration Meditation
  • Each session is different, depending on an individual’s requirements.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.       If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth    will destroy you.”
– Gospel of Thomas

Are you Ready to be woken up? Ready for the deep dive within?

How to book a session: Send us your issues/ problems in detail, and a brief biography, especially childhood experiences that you feel would have been formative in shaping up your current personality and behaviour, or any dysfunctions thereof. Also send a simple recent photograph, name and current age. You can either send it in writing (the best way) or as a voice note (say on WhatsApp).

Talk to us about the Shadows you already know about and grapple with daily or cyclically. About your failures to ‘walk the talk’, shame, secrets personal or familial, – unhealed, unprocessed wounds, guilts and hidden agendas. Some we will discover together.

Writing or journaling is the best way to articulate your issues and know yourself better, so we encourage it.

Fee: 7000 INR per session

Duration: 1 1/2 – 2 hours 

Location: Online over Zoom app

Or at our Centres in Gurgaon, Navi Mumbai Or Bhopal, India 

If you are interested in taking an Online/Offline session. Send in your name and location to Email: Also, send in a brief profile and a simple photograph.

Contact: Abhishek Joshi:  +91 981020 6293; Priyanka Shukla: +91 959428 0000.


  1. Shadow work is an advanced session of inner work, so you have been involved in self-examination and self-discovery this is an ideal tool for you to integrate with your journey.
  2. It is a collaborative session and can be done only, if you can be open, aware, pliable and yes transparent. So be as candid as you can be with your life issues, secrets, failings or shortcomings, we promise Shadow work would free you from a lot of burdens. If you keep rigidity, pretence or masks on, it would be of no use. Instead, if you choose to be vulnerable, you have a good chance to uncover the gold within. Deep beneath our shadowy layer. Be assured, that whatever you share with us will remain confidential and within a non-judgmental space.
  3. A therapist can only facilitate Shadow work, but it is your journey to make. We will take up your case only if we find an earnest desire to work on yourself.  
  4. Once we know your story, especially your childhood patterns, traumas and dysfunctions, we can start to work on them. Inner Child Healing and Emotional Detox become important pre-cursors in some cases due to the presence of immense trauma and abuse in childhood, direct or indirect. 

Another excellent way to get initiated into Shadow Work would be one of our 2-day Inner Child Healing & Shadow Work Workshops (Online/ Offline), which are held every few months. Stay tuned to our upcoming events page.  Details below: 

Interesting podcast on the theme: Metta Hour


Q. Can I do Shadow Work on my own?

A. Sure you can, but it is always better to have an outsider, who helps us navigate our dark spaces. Especially an expert in Shadow work. Shadows are beguiling, and you might end up feeling, no I am a saint, it’s the people around me who need to do Shadow work. On our own, we are liable to miss our blind spots or feel victimized. Eventually, we might conveniently conclude too that we are saints and it is people around us who are problematic. 

Q. How often should I take up Shadow work sessions?

A. Depends on you really, the speed at which you do inner work. Shadow Healing is an ongoing journey, though after 2-3 sessions, you will know how to work with your Shadows. Unless something complex is thrown at you or surfaces in life.

Often our subconscious paces our session, by guiding us through metaphoric and archetypal dreams. Once we learn the language of our inner universe, it is easier to navigate.

Monthly sessions are a good pace as long as long as you have Shadows showing up to work with. If you watch your dreams, you will easily know the pace. Also, are the triggers tapering off? Or are able or willing to be mindful through the day, at the office and a home both?


Abhishek Joshi & Priyanka Shukla


Abhi profile 2019

Co-founder Inner Journeys, and Founder-Director of Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences.

ABHISHEK JOSHI is a Spiritual Counsellor, Certified Hypnotherapist & Trainer (IMDHA, USA), Karmic Healing Master, Shadow Work Trainer, Past Life Regression Therapist and Psychic Healer. He is the Co-Founder of Inner Journeys and Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences, an Approved school of IMDHA, USA. He specialises in PTSD, C-PTSD, Trauma Recovery, Childhood Sexual and Emotional Abuse Recovery, Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work, Ancestral Curse Healing and Psychic Healing.


As a spiritual healer, he started his journey in 1998 with Pranic Healing and Reiki. In 2014 started his full-time practice as a Past Life Regression Therapist. He co-founded Inner Journeys in 2015 with Priyanka Bhargava, which conducts individual sessions, workshops, and retreats in various cities, including, Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Bhopal, Kasauli and Rishikesh. In 2018, he started facilitating Training Programs for Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy.

As a meditation teacher, he has remained an on-panel therapist at a prestigious spiritual centre in Delhi. He has worked on numerous kinds of issues over the years, has clientele all over the world. Today, he is devoted to teaching his skills to a new generation of healers and therapists.

Specific modality:

Clinical Hypnoptherapy, Inner Child Healing, Emotional Detox, Parts Therapy, Shadow Work, Remote Akashic Records Healing, Remote Energy Clearance, Ancestral Curse Healing (Pitr Dosha)




Co-Founder Inner Journeys, and Founder-Director Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences.

PRIYANKA SHUKLA is a Co-Founder of Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (IMDHA, USA) & Trainer, Karmic Healing Master and Shadow Work Trainer. Besides being a Certified Ericksonian Life Coach, Past Life Regression Therapist, Psychic Healer, Medium, and Channel. Certified Angel Healer & Trainer, Certified Numerologist and Core-Somatic Integration Therapist. She has also learned NLP, EMDR, EFT and other healing modalities. She specializes in Family-tree Healing, Spirit Release Therapy, besides Space clearance. She is the facilitator of workshops and retreats, and her passion is Healing of Young Adults, Women Empowerment and Conscious Parenting.

An MBA, she has worked with a Management Institute as an Assistant professor, and later she ran her own Event Management company before she was driven to the spiritual Healing modalities to help people heal. Today, she takes individual Therapy sessions in Delhi, Bhopal and Mumbai. She often travels to take healing sessions and workshops on Chakra Healing, Past life Regression, Akashic Records, Life Between Lives (LBL), Shadow Work, Inner Child Healing and Angel Healing in various cities, including, Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Bhopal and Rishikesh.


  1. “Best Spiritual Life Coach” Award at Astral Global Awards, 2022
  2. “Her Power” award by The Brand Story 2021
  3. Featured as a Guest on “Good Morning MP Show” on DD Bhopal, 2019
  4. Interviewed by Heal Your Life program on MSTV
  5. Facilitated by Inspire award 2018 for ‘Master Trainer in Akashic record Reading and healing’.
  6. Most reviewed Healer by Life Positive 2017.



To know about our founders, please watch their interviews:


“Shadow Healing for me came at a time when I was going through an emotional turmoil. It came to me as divine grace
When I was going through a very tough time and was breaking apart emotionally, I was advised by Priyanka to try shadow healing. (And thankfully my intuition controlled my rational mind and I instantly agreed on taking a session). Somewhere I feel I was guided.

I must admit, shadow healing has been one of the most powerful modalities for my personal growth and transformation. At that time, I wasn’t sure how it would help me or what changes it would bring to my spiritual journey. However over a period of time, I’ve realised that facing, embracing and accepting my shadows has been extremely powerful in my spiritual growth. Healing my shadows has helped me build a more compassionate perception towards myself and the world. My perspective has also become wider and more accepting. I can’t thank Inner Journeys enough for all that Priyanka and Abhishek have done to help me become a better and empowered version of myself and shadow healing has been a game changer.”
– Vaishali

“Imagine you go to a dumpster and pick up scraps and make something unique out of it?

Well, shadow work is something like that for the parts of yourself that you’d rejected, thrown away and deemed no longer useful. Shadow work with Inner Journeys makes one integrate those so-called ‘negative’ aspects and makes one a more mentally healthier and happier individual.

The brilliant part about shadow work is that it helps develop more self-acceptance and self-love. I have tried many psychotherapy healings, but shadow work remains one of the most impactful for me. Thank you to Mr Abhishek Joshi and Ms Priyanka Bhargava.”

– Khushagra Singh

“It was one of my biggest blessings when I started exploring the dark corners of my inner self. Though it requires a lot of courage and inner resolve to explore one’s Shadows, having a healer like Priyanka to hold your hand through it was a huge blessing. Personally speaking I wouldn’t have been able to know my authentic self had it not been Priyanka helping me through shadow work. She is naturally gifted when it comes to shadow healing.

I was surprised during the course of Shadow healing when she would quickly catch the shadows emerging, which sometimes as an explorer you would miss. The simple techniques she uses to help one heal those shadows makes the whole journey less overwhelming. Both the workshops as well as personal shadow sessions with Priyanka have helped me tremendously in understanding my inner self deeper. I feel more empowered and authentic after dealing and healing my shadows with Priyanka. However it is a journey and would need a lot of strength to keep exploring and healing one’s shadows. And I must say I am truly blessed to have Priyanka as a healer who gives the strength a client needs to face and heal one’s shadows.

I feel shadow work is a very powerful tool and opens doors to another dimension of one’s inner work. However, to walk into your dark corners, you definitely need a healer who is honest, non-judgmental and trustworthy. That is a critical skill for which I would highly recommend Priyanka. Not only for her expertise in catching and healing shadows but also for the empathetic attitude she shows with her clients while dealing with shadows.
With every session with her I feel even more empowered. When I look back, I feel the change very visible in me, as I stopped judging myself and others, striving to bring out a better version of myself”.
– Anonymous

“The Shadow workshop by Inner Journeys is an experience in itself. It has helped me recognize patterns and behaviours that were a part of me, but I never acknowledged them before they were brought out through the exercises we did in this workshop. It is highly recommended that one does this workshop to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and work on self-improvement for a better and blissful life experience”.
– Gopa Bhardwaz 

Further Reading:

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