Remote Karmic Reading (Akashic Records Reading)

“We are always guided from within,

but sometimes

we need external help!”

A problem can have many components: Karmic, Energetic, Ancestral, Physiological, Psychological, Behavioural, or even Astrological. Just as a problem can be from the Conscious, Subconscious or Unconscious Mind. We need to address all of them, for long-lasting healing only then it would be Holistic Healing.

An Astrological Reading tells us how our planets were placed at the time of birth and how they are interplaying right now. It also suggests astrological remedies or upaaya that can be undertaken. Similarly, a Remote Karmic Reading (Remote Akashic Records Reading) tell us how our past karmas are playing out in our current life script and what roadmap of Karmic, Energy Healing and Hypnotherapy remedies can be undertaken to mitigate the adverse of our negative karmic imprints and most importantly Karmic baggage or Dosha (कार्मिक दोष) from past lives. Just as physical ailments require physical medicine, Karmic maladies require karmic remedies, which is called Karmic Healing. The best thing about Remote Karmic Reading is that it is done Psychically by the Healer, and not Live or in-person, so you can carry about your normal routine on the day of Reading. 

We channel all our guidance and remedies via our two Spiritguides: Krishna and Buddha. Both allow us to work with only those individuals who are ready for the light of Krishna and Buddha consciousness.

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So, if you are not aligned with them or not meant to receive healing through us, we will duly inform you. Also, if you are not ready for healing as per them, you would be guided towards Sewa, so that you can prepare yourself for the touch of Light, that is our beloved Guides, Krishna and Buddha!

We are sure you would be intuitively guided towards other healers or healing modalities, more suited to you, and your unique needs.

So, when you come to us for help,  the first logical step is a Remote Karmic Reading (कार्मिक रीडिंग ) also known as Remote Akashic Records Reading (आकाशिक रिकॉर्ड  रीडिंग).  – Common questions about Karmic Healing

Remote Karmic Reading (Remote Akashic Records Reading): In Remote Akashic Records Reading or simply KARMIC READING, we connect with our Spiritguides, who help us access your Past life Records at the Akashic Records Library. Herein we find the karmic baggage or karmic blocks affecting your current life situation, this helps us guide you better. You can also get reading for family members in need, be it some gravely ill, Terminally ill or Deceased Loved One. You can get reading for prospective and current employees or clients (Karmic Mapping).

Remote Energy Reading: If need be, we also do a Remote Aura scan or Energy Reading, to find if there are any soul attachments or negativity in your aura and energy system, including the presence of black magics. We can also check the functionality of individual chakras. So that subsequent remedial measures like Remote Energy Clearance or Chakra Clearance sessions can be taken accordingly.

Energy Reading of a Space: You can also get a Remote Energy reading done for your home, office, factory or a neighbourhood space – maybe a new house or property you want to move into or invest in. Additionally, we can check if the house or new space would be conducive or fruitful for you! So check with us, before you sign the deal. Subsequently, if need be, we can do a Remote Space Clearance session – Read here.

Every person is different – physiologically, psychologically, spiritually as well as Karmically, thus an ideal healing pathway has to be uniquely designed as per the needs of the person. Choosing from a host of Personal Sessions or Remote healing based on your specific needs. That’s not all, as we go along we keep altering our life plan based on the response and guidance of our Spiritguides.

The First Step 

All issues and problems in our life, be it physical, emotional, mental, even financial or relationship issues, have a karmic origin or a karmic lesson attached to it. God makes no mistakes while designing our life script with us. No one suffers beyond their karma. So it is better to first get clarity on the overall karmic back story before we plan any therapeutic or healing intervention. This makes Akashic Records Reading, an excellent first step. To know from which lifetime or lifetimes a particular dysfunctional life pattern or suffering has originated. Though, not everything is explained to us plus we all have our past good and bad karma, which results in our present good and bad fortune.

Akashic Records reading can help you find answers to your troubling life questions about your career, money, relationships, family or health in an easy, hassle-free way. First, you send us your problem in detail with photographs, and we schedule your Reading. On the day of reading, while you carry on with your normal daily routine, we do the Reading remotely, by connecting with our Spiritguides and using Akashic Records access. Thereafter we send you the Reading report and we discuss it! Done.

What kind of answers are you looking for?

Now what questions could bring you to Karmic Reading?

“Why did this happen to me?” If you are seeking answers to questions regarding difficult life situations, why you had to suffer or why you are going through such suffering then Akashic Record Reading can be a one-stop solution for you and can help you find answers to your life situations like career, physical and mental health, relationships or abundance blocks.

Why am I stuck in this pattern? Of bad relationships, jobs, and health issues? 

Do I have soul attachments? If you feel your aura is not clear, feel foggy or incoherent, or you feel or suspect the presence of negative or evil energy. Maybe it’s a black magic? Then an Energy Reading can easily give you much-needed clarity.

“Do I know you from somewhere?” Akashic Records can help you explore why you feel so connected with someone or why you can’t have harmony in certain relationships.

Akashic Records Reading can help you find answers to life-puzzling questions. A simple question would be: “What karmic blocks I am suffering from in the Health/ Relationship / Money area?”

“Why was I born into this strange family dynamic?”

“What are my life lessons?”

Not sure where to start your healing journey? Akashic Records Reading is the best way to start.

How does it help?

In Karmic Healing, we heal the people you have harmed in the past lives and heal their lives, in turn, that helps reduce your Karmic Baggage and the resultant suffering. This naturally is extensive work, involving Spiritguides, Angels and many souls.

Forgiving someone is difficult right? It is equally difficult for those you have harmed and forgotten. Results actually depend on that. Souls who are remorseful and willing to learn, heal faster, compared to those who have a sense of impunity. The bottom line is nobody gets away with anything, neither did we nor would anyone else!

Karmic Healing is not for crisis intervention: The cycles are karma and the planets are long. Hence the results take time to show effect. In short, it should seldom be used for crisis intervention or 

those seeking quick results. Even though Karmic Healing is often done for ICU patients also. Our general advice would be:  Be patient, as sometimes this might be a few months to a few years. Often in 6-8 months after completion of all the Recommended Healings, we tend to see some positive changes. Karmic healing often affects us in ways we seldom understand. Still, if you are looking for guarantees here, we would humbly say, try some other modality. Simply because, here results depend on your karmic baggage, your good karma (how much sewa are you able to do) and how much are you willing to grow and change your behaviour.

Healing is best when it is a collaborative journey. It requires you to make efforts to improve your behaviour and Karma as well, through Sewa, forgiveness prayers, regular meditations, behavioural and yes lifestyle changes.

How can Karmic Healing help in improving Relationships?

Karmic Healing clears the karmic baggage and soul imprints of animosity, conflict and hate, but it cannot change your behaviour. That is your job, as part of your spiritual journey. Indeed, it is the very reason of you are here in the ‘Earth school’. That’s why at Inner Journeys, we offer intensive Workshops, Retreats and Individual sessions for those who are interested in doing the ‘Work’.

multiethnic couple arguing on street
Photo by Keira Burton on

Karmic Healing can give you a window for change or transformation. Rest is your task, as 50% or more benefit of Karmic healing comes when people get inspired by the past lives journey and initiate radical change within. How? By changing your behaviour!

We cannot change people’s or our own behaviour through Karmic Healing. Can we? The world would have been such an easier place to live, in that case!

To grow spiritually or heal your relationships, there is no way around meditation, mindfulness, quiet contemplation or self reflection. So sooner you start the better. If you are keen on growth that is.

For example, if you have problem in relationship with everyone, it is logical that the problem lies with you! Pause – Look within. First, drop the blame game, and simple ask yourself, what is it that I am missing or unwilling to see in myself, or in the significant other? How am I contributing to the situation, what is my role? Playing a victim, is resisting change, but those willing to move towards empowering themselves, we offer Shadow Work workshops and one-on-one sessions.

If two people want to heal their relationship, post Karmic healing, they both have to commit to initiate behavioural change, either through regular Hypnotherapy sessions or working with a good psychologist. Also, commit to improving your karma – through regular sewa or volunteering, even something simple as feeding the poor (अन्न सेवा), and yes prayer. There are no shortcuts in healing, and certainly no free passes. The most difficult-to-understand aspect of healing is that we cannot approach healing with a sense of entitlement. Healing is not based on the amount of our suffering, but rather on our karma – past and present. 

It is amazing to see how Karmic Healing via Akashic Records opens pathways for other kinds of healing, therapeutic or even medical intervention. For example, often after healing people find the right medical doctor, healing modality, or therapist. 

Once karmic baggage is healed we can proceed to other therapeutic interventions like Hypnotherapy, Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work etc. Karmic Reading (Akashic Records Reading) helps us plan your healing and therapy sessions and gives you an understanding of your malady.

 In the cases of genetic disorders, birth defects, congenital issues, and mental health issues like autism and schizophrenia, the issue is part of their life script. So we don’t see many changes post-healing,  only improvement in life condition or functionality in some cases. We don’t want to give false hopes to already suffering parents and patients. In short, no reversal of genetic disorders is possible through Karmic Healing, only a reduction in overall suffering depending on the extent of karmic baggage.

What are Akashic Records?

Pi 1Akashic Records (आकाशिक रिकॉर्ड) are the records of all our past lives, which are stored in a cosmic library, known as Akashic Records Library. 

To know more about Karmic Healing (Akashic Records Healing). Read here.

Some common questions about Akashic Records Healing (Karmic Healing): answered here.

Check your Hunches with us: If you are at a crossroads in life, and have certain options in mind, instincts telling you to follow a certain direction, but you are hesitant or if it is a big choice, we can surely crosscheck with Spiritguides. If it is the right direction for you.

We always encourage our students to build trust in their inner compass! That is the reason, we started the Angel Healing Practitioners program, where students learn how to receive guidance directly via Angels, the celestial messengers of the Divine. However, as with any discipline, it takes years of practice to get competence and confidence. Meanwhile, we are here to help you with small-big choices, life directions and dead ends. If you are ready to start your healing journey we are here to help..

We have an intake process, so that your Reading happens smoothly. We would appreciate that you read the following steps, beforehand.

Step-by-Step Guide for getting a Reading done:

  1. Permission from our Spiritguides: Before you send us any details, please first send us your name, photo and main issue, so that we can check with our SpiritGuides whether we can take up a case or not. That’s because not everyone is meant to receive healing via us and we may not be a suitable healer for you. This is to help you find the right healer for your specific needs. Once you send us the above information, we usually update you within 2-3 days.
  2. Share your Photograph: Your full name, current age, and recent photograph or fresh selfie. The photograph should be taken in a good light with eyes clearly visible. Preferably without spectacles, or avoid reflections on spectacles. No sunglasses or shadows over the face, please.  In case you have relationship or work issues, you would need to share photographs of people you have relationship or work issues with, for Reading. 
  3. Share your Problem’s History: We need to know you and your problems fully, so we can help you better. So please send us your list of issues.
  4. Simple Format for sending info:  To make information sharing easy for you, next we would send you a format in MS Word File so that you don’t miss out on sending any relevant information. You can fill in the Word file or use the format to send info as Whatsapp text, PDF or even as voice notes!
  5. Do share your complete info: Every part of your life is equally important and interconnected. Take your time, to list out the problems, say in Health, Relationship, or Work area etc. Also, share the backstory of each issue. Please share as many details as you can. – For Health issues: Medical history of the ailment/s – as in when and how the problem developed, medical diagnosis and treatments taken (any kind). Also, what are your current physical symptoms? – For Relationship issues: nature and history of the Relationship and the issue. Couples with issues or conflict are advised to have separate Readings, as both would have separate lifetimes with karmic blocks. – For Work or Career issues: Nature of profession, professional qualifications, education and career history. – For Money or Financial blocks: Nature, history and extent of the blocks and if the issue runs in the family as well. Also often karma of a child, and spouse/partner affects the collective abundance of the family. So do share their names and pics as well. – For Behavioural, energetic or health issues: In case, there is any trauma or abuse memory in childhood, be it sexual, parental, emotional or physical abuse. Please share candidly, as this is important for your future healing. – Mental Health issues: Full clinical diagnosis from a medical health professional and treatment or therapy taken.-  Issues with Young child: The Karma of either or both the parents would be involved, so their Karmic Reading would be beneficial.
  6. Brief Profile: Send in a brief biography. In case of any behavioural issue, share key childhood events and trauma memories with parents, siblings, or schooling etc.
  7. Questions:  You can get an overall Reading done based on the issues OR send us THREE specific questions. Choose whatever suits you better.
  8. Family Tree Pattern: Sometimes, the same problem might run in the siblings, cousins or ancestry, both paternal or maternal. In that case, this would suggest Family Tree Karma or Pitr Dosha. Ancestral Karma compounds the problems caused by individual Karma, so you must inform us about it in advance. So that we can guide you to your Family Tree Healing session for Ancestral Curses. Read more here
  9. For Energy Reading: Please share all the physical symptoms that made you feel you have soul attachments or Black magic. Also, mention the temperament or behaviour change you or your family members noticed. Since when did you have these symptoms and was there any event in your life that triggered it. Do share information about any unusual, paranormal experiences in the past or Childhood trauma as mentioned above. 
  10. How to Share the Information: Text or voice note. You can mail us all info in a Word file or PDF file (, or text us on Whatsapp (numbers below). You can also send WhatsApp voice notes. These notes ensure that we have a ready reference of all details whenever we do the Reading, and nothing gets missed as we can’t retain & recall  information shared over a call. 
  11. Payment: Google Pay, Paytm, UPI ID, or Bank transfer, whatever you prefer, let us know, and we will share payment details. Make the payment and inform us, and we will schedule your Reading on the next available date. There could be a 1-2 weeks wait or more, so please be patient with us.
  12. Reading Session: The Reading is done psychically and is NOT done Live or via a Zoom session, rather it is a remote session. Thus your presence is not required, and you can carry on with your normal routine. In a Reading session, we meditate, connect with our Spiritguides and your Akashic Records, and slowly gather all information and guidance. This can take up to an hour and a half at times. Reports are sent normally by 8 pm IST.
  13. Summary Report: The Reading report is usually sent as a PDF file via WhatsApp or email whatever you prefer. It would be in the English language only. The Report usually includes the findings in the Psychic Reading, the number of lifetimes from where the karmic blocks of current life suffering are coming, and which are ready to be healed. The Report also includes Energy Reading, in case your aura isn’t clear etc. It primarily includes a roadmap of your healing journeys and is revealed by our Spiritguides. It might include some guidance, if Guides feel the need for the same, though usually it comes through at the end of healing sessions. – Please keep your Reports safe for all future references, as they get deleted from our end, after a few weeks automatically.
  14. Discussion: Once you have read the report, we can discuss any clarifications if needed over a call, email or WhatsApp. Please make sure you ask all the karmic queries before the reading. Clarifications and explanations are always welcomed post Reading. If you wish to physically meet or Zoom call, however, you need to book a Consultation appointment subsequently.
  15. Scheduling Healing Sessions: Thereafter based on the Reading, we can plan the subsequent Healing or Therapy sessions Fee: INR 6000 per session min. (Fees are also mentioned on individual pages). You may decide about the Reading, but subsequently, Spiritguides decide, which healing is Karmically more important and thus decide on the sequence of Sessions, that is best for you. – Usually, one Karmic Healing session is adequate for one area of the problem, say Relationship, Health or Work. – Remember,  Reading is only a Karmic & Energetic diagnosis and not the Healing itself.
  16. Read more about the Healing sessions (Click links): Distance Healings – Akashic Records Healing (Karmic Healing),  Remote Energy Clearance, Astro-Akashic Healing etc and Personal Sessions – (Past Life Regression Therapy, Inner Child Healing, Trauma Recovery (PTSD and C-PTSD),  Shadow WorkFamily Tree Healing (Pitr Dosha or Ancestral Curse removal) and Hypnotherapy.
  17. In case a person won’t or can’t take Hypnotherapy sessions for Emotional Detox and Inner Child Healing etc. How does the family help them? In such cases, Psychic Detox might be the answer: Read here

You can also get a reading done for a loved one, you are concerned about, to know how to help them: Parents, spouse, children, siblings, colleagues, friends, even for those in ICU, the terminally ill or newborns with complications etc.

NOTE: Spiritual healing is based upon faith and trust. Trust is entirely on you, as we don’t convince you of anything, nor do we give any guarantees as a policy. Healing is in God’s hands. Book a session if you intuitively trust that we can help you, or else find a modality you can put your faith in. Thus, we reserve our right to deny any client, in case we find him or her to be sceptical, rude or not ready for healing. If you have faith in spiritual healing and you want to get a Reading done for yourself or for a loved one, do msg or WhatsApp us:

ABHISHEK JOSHI: +91 9810206293

PRIYANKA SHUKLA: +91 9594280000

  • Do drop a message, before calling, so we can give you a mutually suitable time to call.
  • फ़ोन करने से पहले मैसेज अवश्य कर लें, ताकि हम आपको कॉल करने का टाइम दे पाएँ।
  • Or share your problems with us at (

Fee: Rs 2000* INR per person 

  • * You can get an overall Reading done based on your issues OR ask three specific questions, whatever suits you better. In case you want both, naturally the fee would 2K+2K= INR 4000

    If you choose to ask the 3 Questions, please remember you can ask only 3 specific and short questions, per session. Any extra questions would naturally be charged separately. For example, the Fee for 6 questions Fee will be INR 4000. 

  • Normally, people get a Karmic Reading done by simply stating the issues or the areas of concern like Health, Finances, or Relationships. Subsequently, we will explore the Karmic origin lifetimes of your problem areas.
  • If you only want a video or personal Consultation and not the Reading, the fee is INR 2,000. Duration: 45 min – 1 hour. Telephonic consultation is free.  Read more here.
  • Language of Communication: English and Hindi. All Reports will be in English language only.  
  • Prior payment is required at the time of booking a session.
  • The fee is non-negotiable, non-refundable and non-transferable. So book a session only when you are sure, and understand our healing process fully. Else wait! Perhaps, its not the time for you!
  • Google Pay, UPI, Paytm or Bank transfer, whatever you prefer, let us know, and we will share payment details.

If you live outside India: You can use Xoom PayPal (not PayPal), Wise (formerly Transferwise), Remitly or any reliable transfer service, which transfers fees directly to our bank account. You can use any transfer service you have used before. 

Most of our US & European clients use Xoom or Wise, they have been quick.

Direct Transfers from Banks often take over 15 days and have not been reliable in the past, tracking them becomes an issue. So we don’t recommend them. Do them at your own risk, please.

Transfer fees if any will have to be borne by the client, also the responsibility for the transaction completing successfully lies with you, so please choose wisely. The transferred amount should be the Session fee + Transfer fee. You can use an online currency converter to find the currency rate at the time of payment. e.g (INR to USD)

While communicating from another time zone, please note our Working hours are 11 am -to 7 pm IST. (IST = GMT +5:30). 

Our Facilitators:

Abhishek Joshi

Co-Founder Inner Journeys Within & Beyond  (Estb. 2015), and Founder-Director Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences (Estb. 2019).

ABHISHEK JOSHI is a Spiritual Counsellor, Certified Hypnotherapist & Trainer (IMDHA, USA), Karmic Healing Master®, Shadow Work Trainer, Past Life Regression Therapist and Psychic Healer. He is the Co-Founder of Inner Journeys: Within & Beyond® and Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences, an Approved school of IMDHA, USA. He specialises in PTSD, C-PTSD, Trauma Recovery, Childhood Sexual and Emotional Abuse Recovery, Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work, Ancestral Curse Healing and Psychic Healing.

He has over 25 years of experience as a spiritual healer, starting with Pranic Healing and Reiki in 1998. In 2014, he started his full-time practice as a Spiritual Life Coach and Healer. Co-Founded Inner Journeys: Within & Beyond™ in 2015 with Priyanka Shukla, which conducts individual sessions, workshops and retreats in various cities, including, Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Bhopal, Kasauli and Rishikesh. In 2018, he Co-Founded Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences and started Training Programs for Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy.

He has been a member of International Alliance of Professional Hypnotists, IACT, USA and an on-panel therapist at a prestigious spiritual centre in Delhi for several years. Today, he facilitates personal sessions, workshops and retreats across India, besides taking online sessions and Workshops. He has dedicated his life to helping people heal and facilitate the spiritual journey of fellow beings.


  • Interviewed by DNA newspaper, 2017
  • Awarded Healer of Month, by Life Positive, 2018
  • Interviewed by Heal Your Life Program on MSTV, 2018


Priyanka Shukla

Co-Founder Inner Journeys (Estb. 2015), and Founder-Director Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences (Estb. 2019).

PRIYANKA SHUKLA is a Co-Founder of Inner Journeys School of Soul Sciences, a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (IMDHA, USA) & Trainer, Karmic Healing Master, creator of Astro-Akashic Healing and a Trainer in Akashic Records and Shadow Work. Besides being a Certified Ericksonian Life Coach, Past Life Regression Therapist, Psychic Healer, Medium, and Channel. Certified Angel Healer & Trainer, Certified Numerologist and Core-Somatic Integration Therapist. She has also learned NLP, EMDR, EFT and other healing modalities. She specializes in Family-tree Healing, Spirit Release Therapy, besides Space clearance. She is the facilitator of workshops and retreats, and her passion is Healing of Young Adults, Women Empowerment and Conscious Parenting.

An MBA, she has worked with a Management Institute as an Assistant professor, and later she ran her own Event Management company before she was driven to the spiritual Healing modalities to help people heal. Today, she takes individual Therapy sessions in Delhi, Bhopal and Mumbai. She often travels to take healing sessions and workshops on Chakra Healing, Past life Regression, Akashic Records, Life Between Lives (LBL), Shadow Work, Inner Child Healing and Angel Healing in various cities, including, Delhi, Mumbai, Lucknow, Bhopal and Rishikesh.


  • “Best Spiritual Life Coach” Award at Astral Global Awards, 2022
  • “Her Power” Award by The Brand Story 2021
  • Featured as a Guest on “Good Morning MP Show” on DD Bhopal, 2019
  • Interviewed by the Heal Your Life program on MSTV
  • Facilitated by Inspire Award 2018 for ‘Master Trainer in Akashic record Reading and healing’.
  • Most reviewed Healer by Life Positive 2017.

Future Guidance

Do you have questions or confusion about your future and future choices? Life pathways or choosing a life partner? We are here to help you!

    • How will this career path be for me? Option A or B?

    • How would his investment or joint venture be for me?

    • How would this relationship be for me?

Note: Guidance is guidance, there is no easy or difficult guidance. Spiritguides are never predictive like astrologers. Their main aim is to help you grow spiritually and emotionally, and learn your life lessons. So think through your questions, so that you don’t ask generic questions like What is my life purpose? What profession should I choose? What kind of girl should I marry? – have options in mind and then Guides will surely help you. – They will NEVER make choices for you. And yes, Spiritguides only answer questions, they feel you are ready to have answers for or are best for you – in short, not all questions deserve an answer! Isn’t it? 

Fee: 3000 INR – (per 3 questions)

Angel Guidance

If you have faith in Angels, you can also choose to go for Angel Guidance, via Angel Card Reading and other Angel Divination tools. Click here to know more

Learn Akashic Record Reading Yourself

Angel1We always encourage our students to build trust in their inner compass! That is why we started Akashic Records Training with Angels (Angel Healing- Level 2), where students learn how to receive guidance directly via Angels, the celestial messengers of the Divine and learn to access their Akashic Records.

However, as with any discipline, getting competence and confidence takes years of practice. Meanwhile, we are here to help you with small-big choices, life directions and dead ends. If you are ready to start your healing journey we are here to help.

Please Read this carefully, before booking a Reading:

  1. If you have come up with a reference from an old client, do mention their name, as we are more likely to trust you and take up your case. 
  2. Read up all about Akashic records, healing, Past lives, Karma etc, we have loads of articles and videos, to help you educate yourself about the topic beforehand so you understand it thoroughly.  Only then book a Reading or Session. 
  3. As always your information is kept confidential, even from your family members. Similarly, please do not ask us about the revelations in a family member’s or partners’ reading, if they don’t wish to disclose them. We respect an individual’s right to privacy.
  4. Please ask all your questions (up to 3) before the Reading session only, when we go into meditation to connect with your Akashic Records and Spiritguides. Post-session, we can only offer you clarification, subsequent questions will require another Reading session. 
  5.  Be candid. Be as candid and open as you can be in sharing your problems and your life story, it will only help us in doing your Reading. The more we know about your issues and you, the more easily we can access your energies and thus your Akashic Files. Transparency and trust are important in healing, people usually trust us with intimate details about their lives. In case you find yourself unable to trust us with information, we would suggest, it would be more beneficial for you to look for a healer whom you can trust. We understand, there would be some reluctance or embarrassment on your part, to share personal information regarding a certain issue. However we have a process, hence we can skip the related question in that case. No questions asked. However, we don’t take up such readings, where we find clients too secretive, sceptical, rude, untrustworthy or simply not ready.
  6. Full disclosure is required. If you have had a criminal or legal case or mental health issues. In such a case, you are advised to make full disclosure before the reading. Firstly, because mutual trust is important and secondly and more importantly Guides can obviously sense any discrepancies and tend to go silent, which would defeat the purpose of getting a Reading done. At any point, if we find a client’s behaviour dubious or rude, we may cancel your session or Reading. No refund will be issued in such a case.
  7. Ask questions only about yourself: You can only ask questions about yourself and your relationship issue with someone, or Reading for a family member. For any other family members or loved ones, a separate reading would be required as naturally their Akashic Records would be stored in different locations at Akashic Library.
  8. No Third-party Readings: We don’t do any third-party Readings. This means that you can get Readings only for yourself or close family members. Else our Spiritguides refuse to take it up, considering their privacy issue. You cannot get Readings done for a client or an acquaintance unless there is a clear medical emergency or similar urgency. Only in rare cases, do Spiritguides allow us to access the Akashic Records of someone else.  
  9. Take a Reading only when absolutely essential: Take a Reading only if you have serious problems, issues in life or confusion to resolve. Also please note that SpiritGuides do not answer every question asked. So first trust your own intuition, then ask us if you are not sure. Some answers come on their own. Do not rush, take your time, and think through your questions – contemplate or Meditate, and ask what would really help you know the journey ahead in life. Guides will never try to make you dependent, if some things you have to decide on your own, they step back. Guides never reveal the special talents we might have, that is something we all have to discover organically. Also, only relevant information is shared.
  10. Life Purpose: To know your life purpose, you can undergo a Spiritual Regression or Life Between Lives (LBL) session. This is something we don’t cover in Karmic Reading. Moreover, it is part of your personal growth journey so it is best that you discover it with your Guides on your own! Isn’t it? Read here
  11. If you are ready to learn – you are ready to heal. We have seen over the years, that those who choose to grow through diverse life challenges, rather than merely feeling victimised, guides help them eagerly. Our suffering is our karma, but to grow is our choice. Brave souls chose the latter, instead of simply wanting to fix all ills. Some tough situations and life scripts come as tough lessons. That is why, we have seen the most common trait amongst those who complete their healing cycle, and go on to live better lives is humility. Guides and Angels are so generous with those who approach healing with innocence and trust that we are amazed every single time. After all, faith is for the innocent, just as miracles lie beyond the realm of logic. A calculating mind would seldom heal, nor does the mind, which feels that life owes us an explanation. Or that God has somehow made a mistake. Like the Biblical Job, we have to wait for things to make sense. And sometimes they never do.

Reading or Guidance from Guides is not an entitlement but rather a privilege. Spiritguides do not entertain frivolous or non-essential questions. Philosophical queries are best avoided as they are part of our personal journey of self-discovery.

12. We would all want our family, close ones to behave better. But they are there to help us grow and clear our karma. Behavioural issues often have current life elements if not all of them, so they often require Hypnotherapy sessions and other therapeutic interventions like Inner Child Healing, Shadow Work and Emotional Detox. In these participation and willingness of the person is also required, personally or via Zoom. You cannot change a person’s behaviour via healing, so don’t get swayed by anyone who claims, as that would be manipulation, which itself has karmic consequences. We can only change ourselves, and our response to life situations and people around us. And once we do accept, we grow.

13. Questions about life span or survival are also likely to be skipped by guides. As are questions above sundry predictions. There are things we do not need to know. 

14. Three questions mean three questions, do not try to add multiple sub-questions to a single question. Guides would pick the three most relevant questions. Ask what is relevant or important. In any case, Guides know what answers we are ready for, some questions require patience and self-reflection.

15. There are no guarantees of accuracy. Though intuitive guidance has over the years proven to be quite beneficial. Trust your instinct. Take Reading from us only if you feel guided to. 

16. We can only take up those cases, which our Spiritguides and Angels allow. In case, it happens to be you, we shall duly return the fee via Google Pay, UPI or Paytm. Don’t get disheartened though, you shall find someone more suited to your specific needs.

STATUTORY DISCLAIMER: Intuitive Reading is not a replacement for medical diagnostics or professional advice. Energy or Karmic is not a substitute for medical treatment therefore should not be used as a substitute for any treatment that has been prescribed or recommended by a doctor.

Also, read the Legal Disclaimer before booking a Session or Reading.

Akashic Reading is not a prediction, but rather guidance.


Q. Is the Reading done Live or face-to-face?
No. It is done remotely, just as distance healing works. No need to be physically present, or be on call with us. Even if you want, we don’t allow you to join the Reading session, as it disturbs the session and contaminates the energies. You can carry about your normal routine, we meditate and connect with Spiritguides and Angels to access your Akashic Records. Thereafter in the evening, we send you a PDF Report, with our findings and recommendations. 

Q. Does the Reading Session include Healing also?

A. No! Reading is intuitively / psychically accessing and scanning the Akashic Records and the aura of the client to find out what all needs to be cleared and healed. It’s like an Energetic and Karmic diagnosis, followed by spiritual healing sessions like Energy clearance, Karmic Healing (Akashic Record Healing), Hypnotherapy, Shadow work etc. These healing sessions will be charged differently.

Q. Are there any ContraIndications for Karmic Healing?
A. Yes, Suicidal Thoughts and severe mental health issues, which ideally require heavy medication. If you are having suicidal ideation, please consider Suicide Helplines, Psychiatrists and talk therapy with a good psychologist. Once you feel a bit better, we can always do Karmic Reading and Healing as this is not for crisis management modality.

Q. Are there any side effects of these healings?

A. No. That happens in Allopathy! 🙂

Q. Will 

Q. I want to get this Healing done, but unable to trust.

A. Trust is always an individual’s journey, and has nothing to do with our capabilities, or that of our Guides, Krishna and Buddha, whom we channel for all Guidance. So take your time, when you feel ready, only then approach us. Because we know trust only comes when it is your time to heal.

Q. I have a busy life, and can’t commit myself to Sewa and Forgiveness prayers advised in the Reading. Is it ok?

A.  We only pass on the Guidance that comes for you. Ultimately, It is your healing journey, so you can make choices as you feel befitting.  🙏🌸 

It is the good karma and blessings of people who are suffering, that expedites our healing journey. That is why, often when a person can’t do sewa themselves, Guides advise their family to perform sewa in their name.

Q. Some people say, “Spirit has no Karma, so if we live in our Spirit, we are free!” Is it actually true?

A. Both our Gurus, Krishna and Buddha disagree with this ideology. We believe Karma belongs with the Spirit or the Soul, that is how it is carried forward across our reincarnations. Simply put, when there is Action (Karma) also Inaction (Akarmanyata), there will always be a Karmaphala, Fruits of the Choices we have made. So no escape there, even for the deities or Gods, who have made indiscretions and have suffered the karma thus. The best way forward is to use our Freewill, in alignment with our Spirit, Soul, Inner wisdom, what you might call it. This concept first appears in one of the earliest extant textual discussions on Karma, by sage Yajnavalkya in c. 700 BCE:

“Now as a man is like this or like that,
according as he acts and according as he behaves, so will he be;
a man of good acts will become good, a man of bad acts, bad;
he became pure by pure deeds, bad by bad deeds;

And here they say that a person consists of desires,
and as is his desire, so is his will;
and as is his will, so is his deed;
and whatever deed he does, that he will reap.”
— Brihadaranyaka Upanishad,  4.4.5-4.4.6

Q. What if I want to explore my past life personally, through a Past Life Regression session?

A. Sure you can. If your energies are clear and you are a regular meditator, we encourage you to take Past Life Regression Therapy Sessions. More so, if you are interested in growing spiritually and clearing your past Karma. In fact, there is nothing more enriching than experiencing your past lives yourself and meeting your spiritguides to gain wisdom directly. Plus personal experience will make to ‘believe’ the past lives more. Isn’t it?

However, there might be one problem, you might have a lot many lifetimes to clear, say 6-7, which means as many sessions. However, some people manage to go through 2 lifetimes in a single session. This might make PLRT an expensive affair, considering each session is INR 7000, especially if you have financial blocks. Still, many people take monthly sessions and choose to grow and heal gradually.  Read more… 

Q. I want to get Healing done for my spouse, and my parents, but they don’t understand this. Is their consent necessary?

A. Not necessary. Souls are always open to healing. They understand Karma very well, so there is never resistance at the Soul level. It is the physical self that often gets stuck in earthbound or man-made ideologies. Understanding comes with the maturity of the soul, so both our SpiritGuides – Krishna and Buddha understand this and are generous. That’s why, if the soul is karmically ready for healing, they would allow us to proceed. 

Many people get Healings done for their parents, grandparents, grandchildren or even ICU patients, if our intention is good, Guides do allow it!

Q. How can Karmic Reading and Healing help during the later stages of Cancer?

A. Cancer or any other life-threatening illnesses are ways in which a soul may choose to clear their Karma. Besides Karmic, there are many other factors, like emotional, behavioural and yes ancestral contributing to the creation of an illness.  So, Karmic Healing can help in curing the cancer by clearing the Karmic component, or it can help in reducing the prolonged suffering. Firstly, the Karmic Reading will help us find the Karmic baggage that is causing the current suffering. Thereafter healing those Karma can alleviate the suffering. For example, you may find better medical treatment. In any case, you would ensure that your future lifetimes are healthier.

Q. I got a Reading done for an ailing family member, but now I don’t want to spend that much money, is it ok?

A. No. Getting a reading done, and then not helping a person by getting healings done, would be a karmic choice. It is like getting a diagnosis done and not paying for their treatment. Karmic Reading is Karmic Diagnosis, and Akashic Records Healing is Karmic Healing.  So, get a Reading only when you are sincere about helping someone. Even if they are dying and you tell yourself, “They are anyway dying, why spend money?” Whenever this has happened, a dying parent or sibling has often cursed the person.  Read: Healing for the Terminally ill

Q. I want to connect with a deceased loved one, can you help?

A.  We don’t do mediumship, nor do we channel messages from deceased persons. What we can do, is facilitate a meeting on the astral plane to facilitate emotional healing or ease the grieving process in some cases. 

Contacting with deceased loved one via astral meditation is only done for special cases through a guided meditation session online or offline.

To check if you or they are ready for mutual contact at the soul level requires that you send us your photo along with those of the deceased person/s so we can cross-check with Spiritguides over readiness.

Thereafter we can book a date for an Online session (Zoom).

If you are not a meditator we would send you a meditation track in advance to practice so you improve your chances of connection.  Read more…

More FAQs


 Cover image courtsey Pixabay.

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2 thoughts on “Remote Karmic Reading (Akashic Records Reading)

  1. My self preeti parcha, I m 32 year old from new delhi, I m working in technipenergies as senior piping designer. I had disscussed with you my relationship I have attache picture me and my parents also my boyfriend. Please let me know if u want more details. Thanks


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